chapter 38

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No one knows as much pain and joy as a mother, I swear. the birthing process was so painful. "Sasha," Doctor Matthews stated. "you have twins." She said as she handed me one of the babies then the other. "what?" I asked smiling at them. both were wrapped up in blankets one green and the other white. both blankets we provided. "we have a boy and a girl." Raven smiled his eyes full of amazement. I kissed both their heads. "what are we going to name them?" I asked Raven. "you pick for her and I'll pick his. " Raven replied taking the one in the green blanket from me. I smiled down at my baby girl. "hi, Elaine Nicole. I'm your mother. Yeah." I smiled a tear running down my face. "Ethan, then." Raven laughed smiling at me. their was never a sound more beautiful then my babies cry. "give me Ethan too. " I nodded reaching out for my baby boy. I wanted to take them away a shield them away from the pain of the world that I had been so evilly subjected to. everyone soon had visited and seen my precious little ones.

"we need more of everything." I laughed. as Raven walked in the room with two car seats. I put Elaine into the green one with her blanket as she fluttered her eyes at me. then I put little Ethan into the brown one. "bye doctor Matthews. " I smiled carrying little Elaine well Raven carried little Ethan. " come on owl." I took a deep breath. "your not doing this alone owl." Raven smiled knowing how scared I truly was. I stepped out of the hospital and into the world a new mother scared to of how I would be with no mother of my own to guide me. but this is how it was done. and with the roar of a engine and a click of a buckle I joined my new world and celebrated life with everyone in it.

author's note- so what did you think, 2 more posts. tell your friends! XOXOXOXO HUGS AND KISSES XOXOXOXO

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