chapter 15

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it was the third day of Vacation and we were all having so much fun.

"Come on, Little owl." Raven cooed. "the water feels Great!" today was the first day it wasn't raining so we were all swimming. "Nah uh." I whined. I was wearing a one piece bathing suit under one of Raven' s tee shirt. "do you know how to swim?" Jesse asked bluntly. I put up A hand and made some sort of signal I hoped meant so~so. Raven gave me a that's- so- pathetic-smile. I looked down at my feet. "sink or swim, little owl. " Raven said as he pulled me in the water. "RAVEN!" I screamed when I finally reached air. "Evil." I pouted. as I swam over to Jesse. "I have a bad feeling, Jess." I told him as the clouds shifted and the sky turned dark. I got out of the lake and dried off pulling my clothes over my bathing suit. I walked up to the woods sensing the darkness about to come. out of the woods stepped Dylan just as Raven and Jesse joined me. Dylan chuckled evily and Jesse and some other guy came up from behind him. Raven stepped in front of me possessively and growled at Dylan and his used to be best friend and some other guy. "hello Shasha,it's Lillian now right?" James laughed. I nodded shocked to the core. "what are you doing here?" I asked my voice sounding stronger than I felt. "what do you think princess?" Dylan replied sickly sweet. I rolled my eyes at him. "where's Vale when you need her?" I muttered to myself but I knew the boys heard me by their small chuckle. I turned back to look at them a smile forming across my lips. Raven smiled back at me through the black strands of hair falling in his face. I gave him a small giggle as I motioned for him to push his hair out of his face. "awe how cute, puppy Love." Dylan Cooed. "Shut up." I growled at him. he put his hands up in mock surrender as he laughed. "No wonder she's yours, she's a wolf, isn't she?" Jesse snapped. " Or you turned her?" he asked almost curious. "I- I- I'm human." I stuttered. "No, I can see the wolf in you pulling through." Dylan smirked. was I a wolf? all of the sudden the boys started to look at me curiously. "what?" I asked. " vampire fangs." Raven said aghast. "I'm confused." I stated. was I a vampire or a werewolf? something told me I wasn't, something told me I was something different all together.

author's note-

what do you think? what is lillie? comment and vote! XOXOXOXO HUGS AND KISSES XOXOXOXO

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