chapter 9

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I woke up with Raven next to me in bed. deja vu. how did he get here? he is warm. I snuggle up into his warmth and he drowsily wraps his arms around me. "your in a better mood this morning,huh little owl?" he laughed. I felt his chuckle rubble through his chest and I nodded into him snuggling deeper into him. inhaling his sent. he smells like pine, maple syrup, and Apples. he smells like fall. I snuggled further into Raven drowsily and quickly fell back asleep.

when I woke up Raven was leaving. "go back to sleep little owl." he ordered me sternly. I was shocked. "Raven, what's wrong?" I asked and he gave me a sad look. "they have come for you, again." Raven sighed. "who?" I asked. "the people I saved you from the day we met, the ones I told you about at the club." he informed me. "well why can't James and Jesse go fight them well you stay with me and protect me?" I whined "I can't there is too many, here is a gun only use it if you absolutely must. don't let anyone in. everything will be fine, little owl. once me Jesse and James get back we will have to move. I love you little owl." Raven confessed. "Okay." I replied almost breathlessly. he said he loves me. I sat their flabbergasted as he walked out. wait a second, I ain't going to sit here waiting for them. No. I am smiled confidently as I got dressed in a dark blue tank top, Jean skirt beige boots and a dark blue headband. I twirled my still straight dark brown hair. I walked out of my room quietly. everything was silent I then checked the boys room. empty. I walked out and wandered through the woods.

"we don't want any one getting hurt, Dylan. " I heard James say. I looked through the trees to see My boys facing four others. "Yeah expesscailly your precious little sasha." they don't know about My transformation into Lillian Rose Carter, yet. "Hey boys." I cooed as I sauntered onto the 'battlefield' "Little owl!" Raven yelled shocked. I took my place between Raven and James. they both rushed over to me to see if I was okay. "I'm fine, guys I can handle this." I told them. "if the girl wants to fight let her fight." Jesse sighed and James gave him an appalled look. "No!" Raven yelled flabbergasted. "She's human. not glass." Jesse said sternly. "thank you." I cheered. Jesse gave me a warning glance. "another little human, toy. how many do you got boys?" said a little blond chick. "and who are you? their brat?" I asked sweetly. She rolled her eyes at me. "but there is only me. Lillian Rose Carter." I smiled at them. the boys gave me a sideways glance. "really?" one of the guys asked. "really really." I smiled. the other guys pulled have a Jesse and raven aside. "whose girl are you Lillie?" asked the one James was talking to at first Dylan I think it was. "I'm not sure yet." I called to him smiling brightly. why am I so happy? "come with me." Dylan pulled me aside out of sight of the boys. "so would they mind if I took you for a spin." he laughed as he hand traveled lower on my back . "RAVEN!" I screamed and started running away. Dylan's laugh fading into the distance. I ran and ran for a few hours until I heard a wolf's howl. I froze in my tracks. then a large black wolf came out from the trees. it had a small white spot on its forehead. he circled around me once then pounced on me tackling me to the ground licking my face. "ahh." I laughed. the wolf then got off of me and turned into raven. "Raven." I smiled. "you screamed for me, I came for you. I don't think James will lat us stay at his place anymore though." Raven laughed. "It's cool though. we can go to my place." Raven smiled extending a hand out to me. I carefully took his hand smiling back at him. "come on let's go home, little owl."

author's note-

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