chapter 3

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when I woke up I was in a guest bedroom with blue striped walls and a blue carpet with a blue quilt on the bed. My pack was in the corner flat empty. there was a note on it.

clothes are in dresser makeup in bathroom and Apple's in fridge. out getting grocerys


I smiled at that and grabbed some clothes from the dresser and took a shower. when I came out I got dressed in a purple tee shirt with a purple skirt and leggings. then I did my makeup. I came out and took a Apple out of the empty fridge then helped James with the groceries. soon enough all the cupboards and the fridge were stocked.

"thanks for helping out Sasha." James smiled. "Yeah. can I use your washer? I have some dirty laundry." I shrugged. "Yeah, will you watch a movie with me and Jesse afterwords?"'he asked. "killer." I smiled. as I went to my room to collect my dirty laundry. I tossed it in the washing machine then joined James and Jesse in the living room. I sat next to James and leaned in. "Hey Jesse, could you get us some popcorn?" I asked fluttering my eyes. "I don't know if we have any, hey Sasha would you be a dear and go check?" he asked mocking me. "I don't want to be a dear." I whined in response then Jesse got up and made popcorn. "and that's how you get what you want from Jesse." James laughed. "Don't worry I'll have you both whipped by the end of the week." I laughed and they both groaned.

we all must have fallen asleep watching the movie because when I woke up I was in James arms and popcorn was everywhere. then I remembered the popcorn contest / fight.

"I bet I'm the only one who can catch a popcorn in their mouth." Jesse bet. "I bet not." I replied as I tossed a few popcorn in the air and caught one in my mouth. "luck." Jesse laughed as he threw one at me. "Hey!" I threw it back at him and he caught it in his mouth. then we just kept throwing them back and forth.

I smiled as James said "good morning sunshine." he replied. "good night." I replied as I buried myself into him. he laughed. "I'll take you to bed then. " he laughed. "No." I whined. "I'll come with you if you want?" he asked. "yay!" I cheered as he picked me up I could feel his laugh rubble through his chest. I quickly fell back asleep in his arms once we got into his bed.

Author's note-

guys thanks for the reads but some comments and votes would be nice even if their negative. published this because if I don't publish I feel lame. love you all XOXOXOXO hugs and kisses XOXOXOXO

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