chapter 24 part 1

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I sat on the forest floor bawling my eyes out I couldn't stop the waterfall of tears. I thought I was ready to see them again, boy was I wrong. "I hurt them. where was Rick and Benny?" I muttered to myself. "Rick and Benny!" I yelled into the woods. Alex looked at me as if I was insane and I berry well could have been. I got up and dusted myself off. I wiped away my tears. "they still care about you, or at least Raven dose." Alex told me. "Yeah well I don't care about him." I replied I did care. I cared a lot more than I let on. "Alex I think I need to go on from here on my own, I have to see Raven." I told him. "Sasha, I'm not leaving you." Alex demanded. Alex was firm but I was stubborn. "I'll come back for you. I promise. I just feel I need to be on my own for a while." I said then shifted and ran back into the territory. I had to see raven again even if it meant risking life and limb. so I set out searching for trouble.

authors note-

sorry it's so short guys. comment and vote please. XOXOXOXO HUGS AND KISSES XOXOXOXO

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