Chapter 8

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Christina's POV
Since I've been in Seattle I haven't seen Owen, he doesn't even know I'm here. I talked to Bailey who is the Chief now apparently. I swear Chief changes every five minutes around here. She told me I could work at Seattle Grace again if I pleased. I did please. I knew I would run into Owen but I didn't know when, he was dating Amelia, Derek's little sister. I still have feelings for him, they have never left even when I'm with Leo. I've been house hunting but haven't found anything so I'm staying with Meredith right now.

"Let's go!" I yelled up the stairs hoping Meredith would hear me. "I'm coming!" She yelled running down the stairs and out the door. "Well then, about time." I mumbled to myself following her through the door to the car. As we headed to the hospital I started to get nervous. "Christina! Your dating an amazing guy. Think of Leo every time you see Owen." She told me. "It's not that easy Mer! If it was that easy I would've been over him when I left. I have never been kissed the way he kissed me Meredith! I still love him." I told her, we drove in silence the rest of the way there.

"Welcome back Dr. Yang!" Bailey said walking over to me. "Thanks I'm glad to be back." I told her. "I don't know how long you will be here but I hope you stay, you are the new head of Cardio Yang! Don't fail me!" She yelled walking away. "Yes ma'am!" I yelled after her. Right as I got dressed in my scrubs a major trauma was rolling in. "Dr. Grey, Dr. Shepard, Dr.Sloan, and Dr. Avery to the E.R." I heard April's voice boom over the speaker. She didn't know I was here so I ran to the E.R. anyways with Meredith.

When we got our gowns on and headed to the ambulance bays, we got into three groups, Owen still hasn't noticed me. When the ambulance's rolled up I yelled "What do we got!" Owen looked over at me remebering my voice. "Christina?" He yelled.

Arizona's POV
I've been pregnant for about 2 months now and we haven't told anyone. Not even our daughters. I haven't started showing yet or anything were waiting to make sure I don't miscarry. "Dr. Robbins to the NICU!" I heard someone yell over the loud speaker. I ran as fast as I could up the stairs and tripped. I quickly looked down to my belly and didn't see anything, I'd have that checked later.

"What happened Karev?" I asked Alex as a nurse started to put on my gown. "She started coding and we can't get her back!" He explained. "Push one of epi and get me and ultrasound please." I yelled. An intern quickly rolled the ultrasound machine over too me. Alex continued CPR and brought her back. I picked up the wand and started waving it around. "There!" I yelled. "There's free fluid building up around the heart! We need too get to the O.R. Stat! Page cardio and tell them were on our way!" I felt fluid running down my legs and I was scared too look. I finally looked down and noticed I was having a miscarriage. "Damn it!" I yelled sobbing. "Page Dr. Torres to OB room 4 please." I told a nurse and walked to that room.

I paged an OB to meet me there as well. When I walked in I saw an OB who I've never met before. "I'm Dr. Robbins." I told the guy and he nodded. "So what seems to be the problem or concern?" He asked not noticing the blood. "I'm-- I---I think I'm having a miscarriage!" I said sobbing, just then Callie walked in. 'What the hell happened?" She asked noticing the blood right away. "I'm having another miscarriage Callie." I told her as she walked over to sit by me. "It's okay. Your going to be okay." She kept repeating in my ear. The OB checked me out too make sure I had a complete miscarriage, which I did.

''Do you need anything?" Callie asked me. "Yeah, to just be alone!" I yelled running into the nearest on-call room and locking the door sinking to the floor. "Arizona! Let me in!" She yelled through the door. "Just leave me alone, please?" I questioned her. "Fine. Okay." She said and I heard her footsteps disappear. I quietly sank onto the bed and fell asleep.

Christina's POV
The guy that arrived in the ambulance had extensive injuries. His left atrium tore open, his spleen was halfway out of his body and he had a brain tumor which caused him to crash and have all of this happen to him. We fixed his heart, Meredith performed a splenectomy and Lexie respected as much of the tumor as she could. "Let's get him into ICU and have an intern check his vitals every hour." Lexie told a nurse. "Good work in there." She said when she turned around. "Thanks little Grey!" I said and walked towards the attendings lounge when I ran into Owen, so I turned around and started walking away.

"Christina, when did you get here?" He asked following me, pulling me into an on-call room.. "About a month ago." I told him trying to walk past him but he wouldn't let me leave. "Christina, can we please talk?" He asked me. "No. Your with Amelia and I'm seeing someone. I'm over you Owen and I have been for some time." I told him, he was obviously hurt, even though some of that wasn't the truth. He pushed me up against the wall and kissed me, it was magic. When he kissed me nothing else in the world mattered, I only thought of him, the first time we met, to our wedding, and all of my other memories. He finally pulled back, me not wanting it to end.

"Christina." He said as I was walking out. I ran out the door and headed to Meredith's car and cried. I want him. I love him. I still hope that he loves me. I don't know if he loves me. But I was still so in love with him.

Callie's POV
As I walked in the door of our house I hoped Arizona was there, but she wasn't. I've tried to call her several times since everything happened earlier but she won't answer. "Where's Mom?" Kylie asked me as she walked in the door. "I have no clue." I told her looking down at my phone seeing if she texted me. "I want mommy." Sofia said in that 6 year old pouty voice. "I do to." I told her walking to my room were I feel asleep.

The next morning
"Let's go girls!" I yelled because I was already running late for work. "I'll be in the car, oh and good luck with her." Kylie said running by me grabbing the keys from the counter. I didn't know what Kylie meant "Sofia lets go!" I yelled again walking into her room. She was just sitting there, now I knew what she meant. "I'm not going mom, I want mommy." She whined. "I know we can go see her, so let's go." I said getting irritated sticking my hand for her to take. "No! I'm not leaving!" She yelled. I swore under my breath. I stormed over to where she sat and picked her up.

"Put me down!" She yelled trying to get loose. "If your going to act like a two year old your going to be treated like a two year old!" I said practically running out the door. I put her in the car while she was still kicking and screaming and I hoped in the front. "I want mommy!" She yelled. "I do to! Stop yelling Sophia!" I yelled ready to explode. I continued driving while she was crying. "How was your day yesterday?" I asked Kylie. Hoping she could here me through Sofia's screaming. "Good, the same as normal." She told me Putting her headphones in, trying to silence all the screaming. My body started jerking back and forth because Sofia was kicking my chair.

"Stop! Right now!" I yelled just as we arrived at the hospital. I had too carry Sofia in all the way in because she was still kicking and crying. I dropped her and Kylie off and went too try and find my wife. I walked to the on-call room where I last left her and tried to open the door. Locked. "Arizona? please let me in." I pleaded. It was complete silence for a minute and someone finally replied. "I'm so sorry." Then everything was quiet again. "Arizona?" I whispered. Silence.

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