Chapter 19

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Ashleys POV

"This is it" I smiled.

"Ash. Go talk to your dad.. He deserves to know now that we are planing on leaving" Nickie said and pracrically pushed me.

I got up. "Okay I'll talk to him. Sarah, call the boys over so we can say bye as well. Nickie here is my credit card. But two tickets for a near night flight to Michigan so we can talk to her parents" I said and grabbed my wallet handing her my card.

They both nodded and I finally opened my door taking a deep breath. I walked out the door and downstairs. I heard noise from the kitchen so I walked in there to see my dad cleaning up the coffee he spilt on the counter.

"Dad?" I choked out. I never should have said those things. He turned around and looked at me. "Can I talk to you"

He nodded. "Of course. About anything" He said and grabbed his mug filled with coffee and headed for the table. "But I want to talk first." I nodded and he kept going. "I'm sorry I freaked out because you were dating Harry and please tell me that isn't Harrys clothes and you weren't the one screaming last night" He practically begged. I totally forgot about me clothes.

I shook my head. "I stayed over at the flat and I had nothing to wear so I borrowed Liams clothes" My dad got up and pulled me into a hug.

"Its okay honey. He's so stupid. He shouldn't have done that" My dad mumbled and rubbed my back.

"B-but dad." I cried. "He just cheated on me like I didn't even matter" I said and shook my head.

"Honey.. look how dumb you look" He said and smiled backing up and looking at me. "When you got your first boyfriend what did mom say?"

"Not to let him meet you" I smiled.

"After that" he rolled his eyes playfully.

I wiped away some of my tears realizing what he was saying. "She said that somtimes good things fall apart only so somethings can fall togather" I sniffled a smile.

He wipped his thumb across my cheek. "I may not be the best dad but I do love you Ash" He mumbled. He backed up and went back to his seat.

"Now. What did you want to tell me?" He asked as I sat back down in my original spot.

"I'm.. I.. " I sighed. "Me and Sarah are plaining on moving to New York togather" His mouth dropped

"So you're moving out.. and into a diffrent country?" He asked shaking his head about to say no.

"Listen. I'm practically 18. We have family in New York so if I need help they would help me out. I saved up so much money and-"

"Ashley. If you want to go you can go. I understand that you are an adult.. But there are some rules you have to follow. One. Call me.... EVERYDAY. Two. Tell me everything that happens and what's going on in your life. Three. Don't be surpeised if I randomly show up at your doorstep because I miss you" He said his eyes starting to water. I've never seen my dad cry. Not even when mom died. He'd go in his room.

"I'm going to Michigan to talk to Sarahs parents tonight then we are off to New York" I said and got up hugging him.

"You're not moving out because of me are you?" He asked.

"No.. I need a new start.. one that doesn't involve boys till later" I said and he chuckled letting me go.

"Go pack." He head nodded for the stairs.

"I love you" I said and hugged him again.

"I love you too" I let go and started to walk for the stairs in the kitchen.

"Oh and... If anyone asks where I'm moving too... Please don't tell them. I want to forget all about my experence with living with One Direction" I said and he nodded

"I promise" I ran up the stairs only to bump into a hard back. I landed on my butt and looked up to see Liam there

He put his hand out and I took it standing up. "Thanks li" I sniled and he returned it

I noticed that all the boys standing in the hallway including Josh. I noticed Harry starring at me and I turned my head not looking at him.

"Okay.. Sarah called us here and said you wanted to talk to us" Niall said and smiled at me. I returned it and nodded.

"I'm leaving" I said simply.

As if on cue Sarah and Nickie walk out of my room. "Yeah we are going to live in N-" I ran to her and covered her mouth. I want to forget all about this so I don't want them knowing where we live.

"Me and Sarah are moving to America" I said and Harry looked at the ground.

"What no. You can't leave" Niall and Louis whined at the same time and tackled me to the grounf while Josh hugged Sarah as tight as possible.

"Get the fuck off of me!!" I yelled pushing them off and standing up. I smiled.

"You really shouldn't swear love" Harry mumbled shaking his head

Sarah grabbed my arm and gave me a look that said 'dont'. I sighed and nodded. "We are going guys" Sarah said. "Me and ash always wanted this'

"Can we at least vist you?" Liam piped in looking sad.

I shook my head and sighed. "I want to forget about ever meeting you guys"

I said and grabbed my friends arms. "Once I'm packed I will prouperly say goodbye to you guys okay?" I smiled and hugged Louis, Liam, Josh, and Niall. I stood infront of Harry. "Did you shower?" I asked dissgustedly and he nodded.

"Listen i-"

"Don't" I warned and pulled him into a hug before trying to back off but he held me close for a couple seconds before letting go.

I smiled at the boys then went to my room and starting to pack.

This is it.

new start

no proublems

just me and Sarah.

Everythings going to be perfect

Brother With Benifits (A One Direction completed and edited fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now