Chapter 5

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**Ashleys P.O.V**

I heard my door open but I just layed there with my eyes shut.

"Not to intrude but can we go?" Harry said with his signature smirk on his face.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. "But its so far away" I laughed and reached out.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand lifting me over his shoulder. "Time to go" he laughed.

"Put me the fuck down. I can walk you know" I said and repeatedly hit on his back.

He smiled. "Stop that love or I will punish you".

"Shut up I'm your-" I started but got cut off at a loud slapping noise.

"Oww.. that hurt" I said realizing he just slapped my but.

"I said you would get punished" He laughed and started to walk downstairs. He put my down so my body was firmly against his and he lightly rubbed my butt. "Better?"

"You're a prick" I said and laughed a little pushing him back.

He shrugged "Hey at least I tried to make it feel better" He smirked. "In my own selfish way" he added.

I giggled. "That's for sure.. Hey Harry. Some of my friends are coming here for awhile and I was wondering if they could stay in my room so they don't have to rent a place"

He thought about it for a moment. "Sure. Having a few more girls around would be fun"

I slapped him hard in the back of the head. "Off limits. They're my friends.. Oh and ones a boy.."

"Er.. I'm sure that would still be fine... I mean as long as you guys don't do anything" He said surprised.

"We won't. He's my ex and I don't think anythings going on" I smiled.

He nodded.

We went to the mall and were there for what feels like forever. We just got home and I had over ten bags filled with clothes. Harry went over bored seeing as some of them I didn't see intill he bought them.

The boys were chilling on the patio and saw us. Louis quickly took the two bags out of my hands and gave me a hug that lasted a little bit longer then necessary.

"Hey Ashley. How are you?" He asked and only backed up enough to see me face even though he was still holding me.

"Lou. I'm fine. It was a small break down.. It happens" I said and gave him a kiss on his cheek before walking out of his reach.

The boys have already took all my bags inside so I started to walk inside.

"Hey Ash wait" Louis called and I turned in the doorway. Louis had put the bags back into the car and walked towards me.

"Do you maybe want to go out for dinner tomorrow?" He asked looking down. He put his hands in his pockets and smirked at the ground before shifting weight on each foot and looking at me with big hopful eyes.

I smiled and bit my lip. "Id love to" I said and kissed his cheek. "Just don't tell Harry. He might freak out on you".

Its not cheating right? First of all me and Harry aren't even together. Second me and Louis aren't together its just a date and third.. well I ran out of things so let's stick with two.

He nodded. "I'll eventually tell him but that's if were more serious?"

I nodded and went inside him following behind me. "Harry and the boys should be in his room." I said awkwardly and went to my room witch was down the hall from his.

He smiled and kept walking. "See you later Ash" He called and I smiled.


It was nearly 8 and I didn't know having dinner with perverted minds were so unappetizing. Id take a sip of water and they would say 'spitters are quitters' or a bite of something and they would laugh.

So today has been good other then the fact I haven't looked at or talked to my dad and I'm planing to keep it that way.

Sarah and Nickie are coming tomorrow and they can help me get ready for my date with Louis while Jacob is coming the day after they are.

This week is going to be full of teenage drama. Nickie hates Jacob while Sarah just thinks he is a dick. My brother with benefits is going to have to deal with my ex being in the house and me dating Louis.

When did I become the center of drama? Ughh..


If you like where Im going with this


I just need to know your feed back from the people actually reading this. Thanks for reading beautys :* (>°_°)> hugglez


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