Chapter 4

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**Harrys P.O.V**

"Excuse me, Jake. Not that I'm a parent or anything but I don't think that's how you're suppose to handle things like that" I said stepping forward.

"You don't know Ashley. She needs to have a stricken parent" He responded.

I was about to say something but Louis stole the words right out of my mouth. "So you're gonna be stricked instead of being there for her?"

"The way I parent isn't any ones business. I know when she needs to be loved and when she needs authority" He states.

"Wait so when she needs to be loved? She's a teenage girl and you're her dad you're suppose to love her all the time" I crossed my arms.

"I do love her. Okay listen. My daughter isn't exactly trust worthy... She left the house.. Went where ever.. Was gone for hours. She needs authority right now"

"Pft. Whatever" I mumbled. He has no idea what his daughter needs. I mean I don't.. But neither dose he. She needs to be loved.

"I know some things that she did. She isn't a bad person. Its called mistakes and she isn't trying to make them again" Louis said. Damn Louis! Why couldn't you leave it alone.

"And she isn't going down that rode again.. Thanks to me. And Louis. You don't know Ashley okay? She has lots of secrets and a dark past."

"And I will get to know her" And with that Louis left. Jake went to the kitchen and it was just me and mum.

"How about you take Ashley shopping. She needs a day out and probably needs more clothes and such. Oh and hey maybe she can even find a job" Mum said to me.

I nodded. "Alright sounds good.. I'll just take the black card" I smiled and mum kissed my cheek.

"Give Jake a chance.. He's just having a bad day with all that started it" She said then went to the kitchen.. Hmph probably to make out with Jake. Ew.

I ran upstairs and lightly knocked on Ashley's door. "Yeah?" She called.

"Can I come in?" I asked thought the door. Not a second later the door was unlocked and she opened it pulling her wet hair into a pony tail.

I walked in and laid on her bed stretching out and crossing my legs.

"Sure. Go ahead and infest my bed with all your germs" She said sarcastically and smiled.

I shrugged and wiggled my but in the bed a little. "Pretty comfy but want to know what would make it better?" I bit my lip.

"What?" She asked and put her hand on her hip.

I got up and grabbed her waist pulling it so her hips hit mine. "If you were on it and I was ontop of you" I whispered seductively into her ear and smirked.

"you're a perv. Do you know that" She smiled and tried to back up but I wouldn't let go keeping her against me so she just gave up.

"I'm not a perv. I just know what I want" I said and loosened my grip a little.. But she didn't move one inch.

**Ashleys P.O.V**

He let you go.. now move. Come on left right left right.

That's what my head was telling me but my actions wouldn't. "Hmm.. And what exactly do you want?" I said and rested my hands on the back of his neck.

He looked both surprised and confused but he quickly went along. He tightened his grip on my waist.

"You" he whispered

"Don't they say to take what you want?"

"And I never doubted that saying a day in my life" he said and quickly kissed me. At first I was surprised but quickly gained myself and kissed back.

He easily wrapped one of his arms around my waist as the other cupped my cheek. I tangled my hands in his hair and just played with it.

He licked my bottom lip and I quickly opened my mouth where.I tried to fight for domincy but lost quickly. His tongue explored my mouth while his hands pulled me closer.

After a few minutes he backed me into a wall and pushed his hips hard against mine.

Eventually he moved to my neck sucking on the skin. "Harry. Stop" I mumbled and he did just that. He stopped.

He kept his head hanged low by my neck and slowly lifted it looking at me. "Did I make you go to far? I'm not trying to push you.."

"N-no its just. What would I tell my dad if he saw I had a hickey on my neck?" I said and shifted my position a little. He still had me tight against the wall.

"I didn't think of that" He said and nodded. He started to back away and I grabbed his hand.

"What is this? No strings attached?" I asked and he furrowed his eyebrows.

It took him awhile before nodding. "You go out with whoever and I do the same.. No strings attached" He said.

I nodded. "Go along with our lives?"

"Exactly. Now get ready.. I'm taking you shopping" He said and smiled.

I nodded. "Leave" I pointed to the door.

He pulled my into him and pecked my lips. "You know.. You're a really good kisser" He said then walked out of the door like it was nothing.

As soon as he left I got changed into skinny jeans with some holes in them and a pink over the shoulder top. I quickly did my hair and makeup then sat on my bed and went through my phone. I had three messages.

'OMG BITCH YOU FUCKING SLUTASTIC BITCH!! You won't believe what Sarah did!!! SHE GOT US TICKETS TO ENGLAND FOR A WEEK' Nickie texted me.

'OH MY BECKY ASH... WE GET TO EFFIN SEE YOU TUESDAY!! I miss my little slut cake ♥'

"Ashley... I know we broke up and all but I just want to tell you that I want to vist you.. There's a class trip coming up on Wednesday coming to London and I hope we can hang' That text was from my ex boyfriend, Jacob.

He never did anything wrong its just.. we didn't have time for each other.

'I MISS YOU GUYS SO FUCKIN' MUCH!! I'm so happy you got tickets *Kisses from London*' I sent to Sarah and Nickie.

Then I went to Jacobs messaging. What do you right to an ex boyfriend that wants to see you? Erm..

'Sure sounds good. Can't wait to see you Jacob' I sent him. I honestly didnt have anything to say.

I layed back on my bed. So my best friends are coming on Tuesday. Jacob coming on Wensday. A new friend with benefits and Louis, an amazing guy friend.

This sure will be interesting.


Oh and Annie... WASH ME TREES

Brother With Benifits (A One Direction completed and edited fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora