Chapter 13- He's just a prat

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Chapter 13- He's just a prat
******Arabella's POV****
Since Harry has been busy with Quidditch practice, I can hardly spend any time with the twins and Hermione because Ron has been hovering around me, he doesn't like Hermione and he feels left out when he's with the twins and me.

But Ron won't be very impressed with me today since last night in our dormitory I promised Hermione I would spend Halloween with her. I get out of my bed and put on my Gryffindor uniform. Looking around the dorm room, I see that Lavender and Parvarti are still asleep as per usual and I quietly exit, careful not to wake them.

As soon as I step out the door, I am over taken with the smell of pumpkin pie. I look around the common room and Hermione is nowhere in sight so I'm guessing she went to the library. As I walk down the stairs that lead up to the girl dorms, I see Fred and George discussing something with Lee in front of the fireplace.

Lee sticks his head up and turns his head towards me, he quickly jerks his head which I take as a gesture to come over.

"What's up guys?" I ask as they make room so I join the conversation. Fred simply points down at the Marauders Map and a piece of parchment with random words scribbled on it, that are rested on the table.

"Planning a prank for after the Halloween feast." George tells me.

"Who's the target?" I question.

"We're thinking some brotherly love and giving Percy a little surprise. Thanks for lending us that book about pranking, it'll come in use." Fred answers. I simply nod my head.

"Can I do anything to help with with the prank?" I offer.

"Actually since you mention it, maybe you could help to bait Percy." George states.

"Okay, I probably-" Then someone shouts and interrupts me. "George and Fred, are you done trying to manipulate our little sister into doing your dirty work." Percy says, as he walks towards us while glaring at the twins. He stands next to Lee and I, his prefect badge gleaming on the front of his robes.

"We would never do such a thing-"

"She offered to do it for us." George finished Fred's sentence. At hearing this Percy turns to me and gives me a pointed look.

"Is this true Arabella?" Percy asks in a strict voice.

I casually look off into the distance. "It might be half true." Cue Percy yet again glaring at the boys again.

"You better watch it you two. If getting your poor innocent little sister to do your dirty work for you continues, I'll be informing mother of your actions."

"If I offer my services to assist them with their endeavours, can I ask how is that their fault, dearest brother of mine?" I slyly say.

As soon as I say this Percy gives me the ultimate glare, and damn, if looks could kill. "Arabella, you seem to be misunderstanding this whole situation. Since usually what your brothers plan to do, mostly ends causing havoc in one way or another and I always have to try and cover it up so they don't ruin things for me. If you have failed to realise sister that I am first and foremost a prefect. I have done everything and above to get this title and since they choose to wreck and disturb my studying that I do, so that I can do the best in my OWLS. So excuse me if I want the best for my future, don't you realise that I have your best intentions at heart. Give it a few weeks and before you know it you'll be skipping classes just to cause chaos. But since your dear brothers don't seem to care about your education or your future, I will say that it'll be their fault if your future ends with you on the street." Percy says quickly, without taking a breath. George and Fred simply just look at their feet trying to ignore this. Lee obviously finding this to be awkward, whispers something to George and gently pats my right shoulder as he walks off.

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