Chapter 6- You'll hurt me again!

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Chapter 6- You'll hurt me again!

*****Arabella's POV******

"Weasley, Arabella." Professor Mcgonagall yells. I quickly glance over to Ron to see him nodding his head to go up. I slowly walk up to Mcgonagall who has the sorting hat in hand. I nervously sit down on the small wooden stool in front of her. After I sit down Mcgonagall put the patchy, old hat on my head. I abutly shut my eyes

"Hmmm, a Weasley, lots of potential this one. Smart, witty, cunning, sly, kind, selfless, brave, courageous." The soring hat says. I open my eyes to look over to the red and gold table. My eyes quickly find Fred and George smiling up at me and I return the smile.

"Better be SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat yells across the hall. I stand up shocked and walk over to the Slytherin table ignoring all of the people muttering under their breaths. I look over to the Gryffndor table to see Fred and George frowning at me. Disappointment clearly etched on their faces. I knew they would be disappointed that I was in Slytherin. Slytherin, the house where the bad witches and wizards end up.

"Weasley, Ronald." McGonagall calls out. I look over to my twin, to see him walking over to the stool. He then catches my eyes then quickly looks away, afraid to keep contact with me.

Mcgonagall places the hat on his head. Ron shuts his eyes as well.

"Hmmm, HUFFLEPUFF!" Ron hesinatly rises from the stool. My eyes watch him as he grudgly walks over to the Hufflepuff table. I spare Fred and George one more glance to see them muttering under their breaths.


The next few days and lessons went by in a breeze. I have tried to talk to Ron, Fred, George and Percy but whenever I approach them they ignore me or walk away from me.

I have barely made any friends; I sit by my self during meals, like I am doing now. I grab some food of the table and look down at my food. The next thing I know, I can hear owls coming in delivering peoples mail. Mum and Dad haven't sent an owl either, so I'm guessing they are disappointed like Fred and George.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by someone tapping my shoulder. I turn around to see Fred and George standing behind me.

"Arabella, we need to give you something. Come on." Fred says, but when he says my name it is like he spitting poison out of his mouth.

They turn around and walk expecting me to follow. Once they realize that I don't suddenly follow them George beckons me to follow them. I slowly stand up and push my plate away. I start trailing them at a good two metres or more but they start to get slower. We make our way into the corridor near the Great Hall.

Standing there waiting is Ron and Percy.

"What is it that you wanted to give me?" I ask them.

"Mum and Dad sent a letter and said to give it to you. Percy says smiling sightly when he meets my eyes as he hands me a bit of parchment scrolled up.

''Dear Arabella,

Your father and I am truly sorry sbout the lack of contact with you.

We are both utterly disappointed in you and the choices you have made.

It would be wise if you didn't contact us for future purposes. You also are not obliged to stay at the Burrow this break.

Many regrets,

Mum.' I ball the letter up in disgust of my parents.

"It's funny isn't it?" George asks me, a smirk playing on his lips. I throw the letter at him.

"How is this funny?" I ask them. Fred laughs at me, like I asked the most stupidest question.

"Well, dear Arabella since you are in Slytherin, Mum and Dad are cutting out and reducing their contact with you." Fred smirks.

"What about Ron?" I question them furiously. I look at my twin to see him again avert my eyes.

"Ron wasn't sorted into Slytherin was he. He isn't some stupid brat that no one wants to deal with." Percy says. I feel tears started to sting my eyes.

"See Arabella, Percy here is right. You are a useless piece of trash that nobody likes." Fred harshly says. I can feel my tears rolling down my cheeks quickly as I let out a sob.

"Fred, I thought you liked me. If you haven't forgotten I am still your little sister that you did care about a lot. I sob.

"You're no sister of mine." Fred grumbles. Fred and George go to walk away from me but then turn around again. Before I know it I'm hit in the stomach by Fred and kicked by George. I collapse from the pain.

They turn around snickering. I look to see any signs of sympathy in Percy's eyes, but no.

"Please, please help me Percy." I croak out. Percy just turns around leaving me on the floor in agony,

Ron looks down at me and he brings back his foot into my stomach before walking away.

I scream in pain and then everything goes black.


"Arabella, Arabella. Wake up." I am suddenly woken up by someone shaking my shoulders.

I open my eyes to see the sun blaring into my eyes. I quickly look up to see who was there, to see Fred and George looking down at me with worry filled eyes.

Fred realises that I have woken up and lightly puts his hand on my shoulder. I flinch quickly jolt up at the contact.

"Don't touch me! You'll hurt me again!" I yell. I curl myself into a ball with my legs up against my chest.

"Arabella, Fred and I would never hurt you." George soothes. I look up to see their once filled eyes of worry to be replaced with pain.

"You have and you will." I whimper. Closing my eyes.

I can hear people faintly running up the stairs. My door suddenly opened by my Mum.

"Fred and George, what is the matter? She asks them. I see Percy, Ron, Ginny and Bill behind her wondering what all the commotion was about.

"We don't know. She hasn't told" us." Fred says sadly. Mum hesitantly walks towards me but I flinch once again.

"Bill." I finally manage to croak out. Mum takes a step back pain etched on her face. Bill slowly walks towards me.

"I think it would be best if I spoke to Arabella alone," Bill tells our family. They all slowly depart my room.

I close my eyes and breath in and the out. I fell the dip in my bed as Bill sits down.

**********Bill's POV*********

I sit down on her bed hesitantly. As soon as I sit down she jolts up and sobs into my chest.

"Bill, I...they...hurt..." Was all I could her say.

"Arabella, Hey, I didn't hear you." I soothe.

"Bill, they kicked me and hit me." She hiccups.

"Wait, what? When was this?" I ask her concerned,

"It was after the sorting."

"What sorting?" I ask her.

"The house one." She replies. I get it now.

"Arabella. it was just nightmare."

"It felt so real though." She says quietly.


A/N: Finally another chapter. Sorry that it mainly consists of the dreams



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