Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Why can't you tell me everything?

Arabella's eyes scanned the last lines of her book and she was left wanting more. She was very grateful for the stranger named Bill who had gifted her the book. This was the third time she had read the book, as Arabella was fascinated by the world created in the book. She wished Edith would allow her to visit Diagon Alley where Arabella would be able to buy the following books in the series but since her detour last time, Edith wasn't allowing Arabella to visit the Alley.

It occurred to Arabella that she had momentarily forgotten that it was her birthday the following week and after this realisation, she hoped that Edith would allow her to visit the store for her birthday. She didn't want to count on this happening too much on the chance that it didn't happen.

There was a sudden knock on her door which was followed by Edith poking her head through the door. "Breakfast will be ready soon and I expect you to be in the kitchen in a timely matter." Edith gives Arabella a withering stare as she takes in her pyjama clad state. The door is closed with more force than necessary, resulting in a loud thud.

Arabella lets out a huff as she pushes herself up from her bed. There is a shuffling sound against the floorboard as she returns the book to her bookcase. Glancing down at her pyjamas which are adorned with cats, Arabella wishes that she was able to wear them for the entire day without being enforced to change into her day clothes.

Arabella grabbed the first dress she saw in her wardrobe and quickly changed into the dress. After she placed her pyjamas in her laundry basket, Arabella soon found herself standing in front of her mirror. She smoothed down the front of her sunflower yellow dress and took in her reflection. Her wavy blonde hair was somewhat secured in a plait at the nape of her neck and she decides to leave her hair in its current state as a small way to annoy her foster mother.

Footsteps echo down the hallway as Arabella heads towards the kitchen where Edith is waiting. Once she enters the kitchen, Arabella finds Edith seated at the small, circular dining table with her hands primly folded on the table in front of her. Arabella gives her a small nod in apology for making Edith wait before pulling out a chair.

"How are you this morning, Edith?" Arabella grabs a plate from the centre of the table so she can serve herself breakfast.

Edith diverts her eyes from Arabella down to the table as she answers, "I am quite tired this morning as I struggled to fall asleep last night."

"Oh, was there any reason why?" Arabella enquired as she scooped some fruit salad onto her plate.

There was a long pause before Edith replied, "I have something important that I need to inform you of and I am worried about the impact that sharing this information will have on you."

"Well, what is it that you have to tell me?"

"I think it is best to save that conversation till after breakfast." Edith continues to avoid eye contact with Arabella and starts to eat her breakfast.

This causes Arabella halter in her buttering of a slice of toast. What could she have to tell me that has her nervous and worried? Does she not want me anymore? A million thoughts race through Arabella's head.

The rest of the meal is eaten in silence with the scraping of their forks and knives against the plate the only sound echoing in the room.

Edith collects the empty plates from the table and turns to the sink. "I'll meet you in the living room in a moment."

Arabella takes in a deep breath as she collapses into the plush sofa. She scrutinises the photos placed on the mantle opposite the sofa. Photos where she is the point of focus. Or was the main focus. The photos stopped when Arabella was seven years old which was when Edith began to be less affectionate and more distant with her foster daughter. It was difficult for Arabella to associate the kind and soft caregiver who used to read her to sleep every night with the critical guardian who was quick to point out what she considered to be Arabella's flaws. Arabella had long given up the hope that she would ever feel fully accepted, loved and supported by Edith again.

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