Chapter 23- You are so irrelevant and useless

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Chapter 23- You are so irrelevant and useless

**Arabella's POV**

All of a sudden the stands erupt after Harry catches the snitch in record time, securing the win against Hufflepuff.

"Ron! Ron! Where are you? The game's over! Harry's won! We've won! Gryffindor is in the lead!" Hermione shrieks, jumping up and down on her seat.

Ron quickly stands up sporting a nosebleed, courtesy of Malfoy. Not long after Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle pop up not a moment later. Ron had decided to let Malfoy's insults get to him and decided that punching Malfoy was a good idea. Neville also got involved when he insulted him. Neville was now currently laying on the ground cold.

A wave of Gryffindors make their way down the stands, streaming onto the pitch, Hermione, Ron and I among them. The first ones to reach Harry hoist him onto their shoulders.

"How did we do?" A sudden voice makes me jump. I quickly turn around to find George standing there with his broom in hand and Fred was a metre behind him, looking hesitant.

I roll my eyes at my red haired, freckled brothers, "Eh, you did an average job, you two could have done better." I shrug.

George steps towards and engulfs me in his arms, and starts to poke my sides. "St-stop Geo-RGE!"I manage to say between laughter.

"Hmm. I'll only stop if you say 'George Fabian Weasley and Frederick Gideon Weasley are the best beaters Hogwarts has ever seen but George is to have the best out of the two of them."

I force my lips to stop me laughing out as George continues to tickle me. "Arabella I'm not going to stop unless you say it." George chimes.

I sigh, "George Fabian Weasley and Frederick Gideon Weasley are the best beaters Hogwarts has ever seen but Frederick is the best out of the two of them." I repeat and George stops tickling me not realizing at first what I said. From his spot behind George, Fred winks at me and gives me a small smile.

"Aye, you said the wrong twin." George complains.

Fred walks towards me and starts to talk, "I'm sorry I snapped at you the other day, I was-"

"You were tired and frustrated, its understandable to why you did." I shrug.

Our house mates around us get louder as they walk around with Harry on their shoulders chanting, "POTTER POTTER," as loud as they all could.


"How long does it take for your brothers to get some food Arabella?" Dean asks.

We're currently in the Common Room which is in the midst of a party after our win. Fred and George are down at the kitchens getting snacks, Ron and Hermione were waiting for Harry after he disappeared after the match. Neville is still in the hospital wing but Madam Pomfrey said he'll be fine. Seamus Finnegan, Dean Thomas and I are sitting on one of the couches talking.

"Knowing them they'll cause some sort of mayhem or disturb someone." I laugh.

"Sounds 'bout right." Seamus smiles.

"Hey Seamus and Dean." Lavender Brown says, ignoring me as she walks over to us with Parvarti Patil behind her. I look over at Seamus with an annoyed look on my face.

"How are you two up to?" Dean asks.

"Not a lot, how about the two of you?" Lavender replies.

How can one person get on my nerves so easily. Just because I chose to be friends with Hermione instead of her doesn't give her the right to be rude. Most of the time when I'm in our dormitory she would at least acknowledge me but if I was around any of the boys she would just ignore my existence.

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