Chapter 12- But aren't you two twins?

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Chapter 12- But aren't you two twins?

*******Arabella's POV *******

As Harry, Ron and I make our way to the common room after being interrogated by Malfoy, Harry is interrupted.

"If he hadn't stolen Neville's Remembrall I wouln't be on the team...." Harry starts.

Hermione stomps up the stairs saying, " So I suppose you think it's a reward for breaking the rules?" Staring disapprovingly at the package in Harry's hand.

"I thought you weren't talking to us?" Harry questions. Hermione just simply rolls her eyes at him.

"Yeah, don't stop now, it's much better." Ron snarls. I smack the back of his head, sick of his grudge against her.

"Don't be so rude to my friend Ron." I plead, looking into his eyes. Ron huffs and Harry follows him to there dormitory.

Hermione steps towards me and embraces me in a hug, "Thanks for standing for me, Arabella."

"That's what friends are for, right?" I give her a small smile as I step out of her arms.

Hermione suggested we go down to the library, I agree because I have nothing else to do.

Once we reach the library, we settle on a small round table, away from all the chattering 3rd years.

"I honestly have no idea how you put up with him." Hermione says irritated, while organising all her books along the table.

"Who, my brother?" I ask as I walk around the shelves behind us, occasionally pulling out books which look interesting.

"Yes." She states.

"Hermione you do realise that three of brothers annoy you, right?" I say to her.

"Well I was talking about Ron, I thought that was obvious. I don't know how you dealt with living with him for eleven years." She explains. I feel my chest tighten at her statement.

I walk around and face her and say," I haven't, I've only lived with him for the last year." She looks up at me with a puzzled looks.

"But aren't you two twins?" Hermione asks as I take a seat across from her.

"It's a long story, sorry." I say.

I return to my former position looking through books. I stumble across a book with the title '100 ways to magically annoy those uptight people in your life'. Even though the titles a bit long, I think that George, Fred and I will put it to use against a certain red-headed prefect. I pull the pristine book from its place on the shelf. I flip the book over to read the blurb.
'We all have those people in our lives that are too strongly wound, uptight, in this book you will find ways to charm, hex and curse that will annoy them. Good luck, don't get caught.' It read.

"I'm sorry Arabella, for bringing it up" Hermioe sincerely says. I walk over to Madam Pince, to borrow the book. She scans the barcodes and raises an eyebrow at the title and hands me back the book.

"Hermione, it's honestly all right. Don't feel bad." I sit at my seat across from her, leaving the book I borrowed on the table in front of me.

"But I can't help but not feel bad you know, Ari. I can call you that right?" She frets. I let out a small laugh.

"Only if I can you Mione." I say. "How's your essay for potions going along? Snape set us way too much homework."

She lets out a sigh, "in all honesty Ari, I'm barely half way through." She says as she grabs her parchment out.

"Mione you do realise that we only have to write a short summary, right?

Hermione's cheek flush red. "Yes I did, but it's need to be in detail."

"I think 3 pages on parchment might be a bit too much detail." I let out a small laugh.

"I don't think so." Hermione defends her self.

A/N: Such a short chapter sigh, but I haven't updated in ages and I felt bad, not that anyone's reading this anymore. But I'm starting a new Fanfic, Marauder time, I'll probably update that more than this, because I feel more confident about it? It's called "These wounds won't heal" you can find it on my profile. I'll try to update this regularly but time will tell.

Amber xx

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