Chapter 17- Ron has always been overemotional

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Chapter 17- Ron has always been overemotional

****Arabella's POV****

"Snape was jinxing Harry's broom. He was cursing the broomstick, muttering while not taking his eyes of him." Hermione exclaims when we're sitting in Hagrid's hut, drinking black tea.

"Rubbish. Why would Snape do somethin' like that?" Hagrid asks.

Harry, Hermione and Ron all look at each other and I'm guessing that they're thinking about Snape on Halloween.

"I found out about something about him.He tried to get past that three headed dog on Halloween, it bit him. We think that he was trying to steal whatever it was guarding." Harry tells Hagrid.

Hagrid drops his mug, "How do you know about Fluffy?"

"It's seriously named Fluffy?" Ron asks baffled.

"Yeah he's mine, bought him of a Greek chappie I met in the pub las' year- Dumbledore asked me if he could borrow 'im to the guard the-"

"The? I ask.

"Don't ask me anymore, its top secret that is." Hagrid replies gruffly.

"But Snape's trying to steal it!" Harry interjects.

"Snape's a Hogwarts teacher, he'd do nothin' .of the sort!" Hagrid exclaims.

"So why would he try and kill Harry?" Hermione cries out. "I know a jinx when I see one. You need to keep eye contact and Snape wasn't blinking."

"I'm telling yeh, yer wrong. I don' know Harry's broom acted like that but Snape wouldn' try and kill a student. Now all four of yer stop meddling in things yer don't understand. Its dangerous. Yer forget about that dog an' whats its guarding, that's between Dumbledore an' Nicolas Flamel--" Hagrid stutters.

"Aha, so someone named Nicolas Flamel is involved!" I exclaim.

Hagrid looked beside himself having told us this.

"See yer kids when you stop meddling."

"Bye Hagrid." We all chime.

I get up from the wooden chair and follow Hermione out of Hagrid's hut.

"Well at least we have a name to go on." I say as we pass the pumpkin patch.

"The name Flamel sounds familiar to me but I don't remember where I've heard it before." Harry thinks.

"Well I think that we should search the Library for anything." Hermione gives me a look of approval.

"Do Harry and I have to help read through books?" My twin stupidly asks.

"Yes Ronald, you both will have to help." Hermione replies in her know-it-all voice.

We continue in silence as we trudge back to the castle shivering from the cold.

Once we enter the Gryffindor common room, we are enveloped in warmness.

"See you guys, I need to talk about the twins about something important if that's all right?

"Yeah its fine." Ron grunts.

"You sure? Because its doesn't sound like it's fine with you. What's wrong, Ron?"

"I'm completely fine, just go over to George and Fred like you always do." Ron angrily replies as he turns and storms up his dorm.

"Well, uh I'm just going to go over to the twins." I fluster and Harry and Hermione give me a nod.

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