Chapter 19 - But I'm scared of a librarian chasing me

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Chapter 19- But I'm scared of a librarian chasing me

*****Arabella's POV ******

We enter the Great Hall behind Hagrid as he carries a tree, to find it completely decked out with Christmas decorations. The only word to explain the hall is spectacular. Garlands of holly and mistletoe hang around the walls. There is twelve tall towering Christmas trees standing around the hall, some covered with with tiny icicles and some glittering with hundreds of candles.

"How many days you got left until yer holidays?" Hagrid asks.

"Just one." Hermione replies. "And that reminds me- Harry, Ron, since we've got half an hour before lunch, you should come to the library with Arabella and I."

"Oh yeah, we'll come." Ron replies as we start to leave the hall.

"The library? Just before the holidays? Bit keen, aren't yeh?" Hagrid says following us out the hall.

"Oh, we're not working." Harry replies. "Ever since you mentioned Flamel we've been trying to find out who he is."

"You what?" Hagrid looks shocked. "Listen here, I told yeh- drop it. It's nothin' to you what that dog's guardian."

"We just want to find out who Nicolas Flamel is."

"If you prefer you could just tell us and save us the trouble." Harry adds.

"I'm sayin' nothing'." Hargrid replies flatly.

"We'll just have to find out for ourselves then," Ron says, and we hurriedly leave Hagrid looked disgruntled.

When we reach the library, Hermione takes out a list of subjects and titles. "You look can look through these." Ripping the list in half and giving it to me. "Ron, Harry just do what you normally do."

Ron just starts to pull books off the shelves at random while Harry wanders around. I scan Hermione's list and walk over to the nearest shelf and pull out 'Important Wizards in History'. I quickly flick to the glossary and look under the 'N' and 'F' section. Nothing, I place the book back in it's place.

"Go on - out!" I hear Madam Pince shriek. Not a moment later, I see Harry getting chased out of the restricted section by Madam Pince with a feather duster. Good job Potter.

I glance at Ron and see him looking at me trying not to erupt in laughter. "Did you see his face?" I ask walking towards him. "I defeated You-Know-Who when I was a baby but I'm scared of a librarian chasing me with a feather duster. " As soon as I say this Ron can't contain it, he starts to laugh loudly.

"Ron, shh, we'll get kicked out if you don't quieten down. " Hermione whispers from our table.

"Ron go find Harry, I'll help Hermione put these away." Gesturing towards the piles of books Hermione was looking for.

"No it's alright, I'll clean them and borrow some books. You two can go wait outside." Hermione replies.

I grab Ron's arm before Madam Pince hears him, "Come on you git."

Ron calms down and contains himself, "I'm sorry for snapping at you the other day." He says when he opens the library door and lets me enter before he does.

"We can talk later, okay?" I ask and he nods.

Harry is waiting outside, standing in front of a tapestry of a group of knights. When Ron sees Harry, he is yet again taken over with laughter. Harry sends me his usual confused look. "I made a joke about you after Madam Pince chased you out the restricted section."

"What did you say?" Harry asks.

"I said-" I'm interrupted by my twin.

"After we saw your face when she chased you, she said and I quote, 'I defeated You-Know-Who when I was a baby but I'm scared of the librarian chasing me with a feather duster'." Ron repeats.

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