Chapter 24- Here is your study schedule

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Chapter 24- Here is your study schedule

**** Arabella's POV ****

A few weeks have passed and Quirrell has not cracked from the pressure from Snape but he seems to be getting paler and thinner.

I was on my way to Hagrid's hut when Harry, Hermione and Ron met me on the on the way down. They explained how they saw Hagrid acting suspiciously in the Library, seeing that he was looking in the dragon section and they decided to go down to his hut to see what he is up to.

"Why are you heading down to Hagrid's Arabella?" Harry asks.

"I promised Hagrid yesterday that I'd come and visit him."

We continue down the path in silence. Once we reach Hagrid's hut, we surprisingly found that all of the curtains are closed. Harry steps forward to knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Hagrid calls out before opening the door.

"It's us, Hagrid." Harry replies.

The door opens to Hagrid standing looking down at the four of us. "Oh, come on in you lot." Quickly shutting the door behind us.

Inside Hagrid's hut was stifling hot and even though it was a warm day there was a blazing fire in the grate.

"So, what brings yeh here?" He asks as her moves around his kitchen to make us some tea.

"We were wondering Hagrid, if you could tell us what's guarding the Philosopher's stone apart from Fluffy."

Hagrid suddenly looks over at us frowning, "Of course I can't. Number one, I don' know myself. Number two, yeh all know too much already, so I would'n tell yeh if I did. The stone is here for a good reason."

"Oh come on Hagrid, even though you don't want to tell us, but you do know as you you everything that goes on around here." Hermione says in a warm flattering voice.

"We only wondering who had done the guarding, really. We just wondered who Dumbledore trusted enough to help him, apart from you." I continue.

Hagrid walks over to us to four mugs of tea and takes a seat at the table. "Well I s'pose it couldn' hurt to tell yeh, there was Fluufy who he burrowed from me, then some o' the teachers did enchantments .. Professor Sprout - Professor Flitwick - Professor Mcgongall-- Professor Quirrell, an' Dumbledore himself did someting o' course. Hang on there's someone else. Oh yeah, Professor Snape."

"Snape!" The four of us exclaimed.

"Yeah, and yeh not still on about that are yeh?" Look he helped protect the stone, he's not about ter steal it."

The four of shared a look, all thinking the same thing. That if Snape had been protecting the stone , it could have been easy to find out how the other teacher protected it. He knew everything except Quirrell's spell and how to get past Fluffy.

"Are you the only person who knows how to to get past Fluffy?" Harry anxiously asks. "And you wouldn't tell anyone would you? None of the teachers?"

"No one knows except from me an' Dumbledore." Hagrid proudly says.

"Hagrid can wehave a window open? It's boiling in here." Ron states.

"Sorry Ron." Hagrid says as he looks over at the fire. I follow his line of sight to see a huge black egg underneath the kettle in the heart of the fire

"Hagrid- what is that?" Harry asks confused. Harry is never confused, Hermione is the one that never has any idea what's going on.

"Ah." Hagrid says, fiddling nervously with his beard. "That's er..."

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