Chapter 18 - I'm just joking around

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Chapter 18- I'm just joking around

****** Arabella's POV *****

As I kneel down to pick up some snow, a cold, hard object hits the back of my head. I swing my head to look at where it came from. My brothers standing with their backs to me, laughing between the two of them.

I grasp the snowball in my hand as I walk quietly towards George and Fred. When I'm about two meters away from them, George turns around and I throw the snowball straight into his face. George just looks at me with disbelief and Fred doubles over in laughter.

"AHAH- Good - shot - Arabella." Fred manages, in between laughing.

"Do you think you could get away with this?" George asks.

As I go to reply to him, he lunges at me and tackles me down to the ground.

"Not so funny now." George laughs as he starts to tickle me.

"Geor-ge - please - stop - I didn't - mean it." I get out, between giggling.

George stands up and offers me his hand to help me off the ground. Taking the opportunity I pull him down into the cold ground. I quickly get up and hide behind Fred to get away from George.

"You got me there." George fakes a pout.

"I'm just too good, you can't keep up." I smugly say.

George stands up and stands next to Fred. He gestures for me to move next to him. As I move next to him, he puts his arm over my shoulders and pulls me into a side hug.

"Hey, look there's Quirrell. Do you think we should annoy him?" Fred asks. I look at our incompetent teacher and nod my head.

"Snowballs?" George offers.

"Good suggestion." Fred agrees.

The two of them kneel down and scoop up some snow. Fred grabs his wand out of his pocket and using a jinx to send the snowball that hits it's mark at the back of Quirrell's head. Five more snowballs follow the path and bounce of the back of his turban.

As Quirrell looks around trying to find the suspect, the six snowballs follow him around the courtyard, repeatedly hitting his head.

"FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY" The shrill voice of our Head of House interrupts them.

"Oh Merlin." Fred sighs, quickly putting his wand into his pocket. "Lovely day, isn't it Professor?

Mcgonagall briskly walks towards us, "Weasley's, you can go apologize to Professor Quirrell." I go to walk with the twins but am interrupted. "Not you Ms Weasley."

"Good morning Professor, how are you this morning?" I ask, trying to get on her good side.

"I'm fine this morning, thank you. Arabella, you're a smart girl, but do you think its the best to be hanging around your brothers all the time?"

"Well yes I do. My brothers help me be the best version of myself I can be. And well Miss, I missed out on ten years with them, I'm going to to try and get back as much time as I can.

Mcgonagall looks taken aback, "Well if you think that it's for the best, then I'm happy for you." I give Mcgonagall a smile.

I feel two hands on my shoulders and jump in surprise. "Its just me Arabella." George quietly says.

"I'll be seeing the two of you tomorrow night after the Feast." Mcgonagall sternly says.

"If you wanted to spend time with us - , " Fred starts.

"You should have just said something." George finishes.

Mcgonagall just looks at them over the top of her glasses. "Also 20 points taken from Gryffindor."

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