The Other Day

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Priscillia's POV 


The first day of Jonathan staying over soon ended. When we were having dinner at the dining table previously, Jonathan's eyes were red and swollen, with Christine comforting him the whole time. How I hope the one who is there for him is me.. Did I fail? Although I am not his girlfriend.. but I feel like I failed badly as his crush. I was picking at the rice with the chopsticks and grains of rice were dropping onto the table. My mother then asked "What's wrong with the both of you, my dear? Are you all still feeling uncomfortable somewhere? You both look really distracted and uneasy.." . 

"I'm alright. It's okay." me and Jonathan both replied at the same time. 

Christine was still patting him. Seeing that just makes me feel sour. Hence, I stopped eating and went back into my room. I cried and as I believe, they can hear me from outside. As my room is just right beside the dining room. Mum and dad soon came knocking on my door and said "Dear,are you okay?! Open up! ". 

"Mum, Dad, I'm okay..don't worry. I just need some time to myself. That's all. Talk to you all later." I replied. 

After my reply, there was silence outside the room. It soon turned 11pm..

My family members will always be asleep by then. I went out to the kitchen to get myself some plain water. The moment I open my door, I see Jonathan sitting outside. But he is sleeping! He isn't moving. His face looking peaceful and quiet. He must have been worrying about me again just now. Forget it..I shouldn't wake him up. After all, my sister likes him too. With that, I headed straight to the kitchen and get myself a glass of plain water. Then, I went back straight into the room and close my door. Sitting on the couch in my room, I thought : Wouldn't he get a cold? It's so windy at night. Maybe..Maybe I Should at least get him a blanket. I then took a blanket and headed outside for him. Slowly and quietly, trying not to wake him up, I place the blanket over him. I forgot that he is sensitive to touch! When he is sleeping, as long as something touches him, he will wake up.. 

Jonathan slowly opens his eyes. I turn around and head for my room. But just right before I reach my room, Jonathan got hold of my hand. He is holding on to my hand. At this moment, I turn to look at him wanting to tell him to let go. It was then that I realise he look really pale. His face is as white as a sheet of paper! 

"Are you okay?! Jonathan?! " I asked feeling anxious.

"I..I'm fine. Fever, I think..Should be alright after I get some rest." he replied weakly. 

"No..No. I'll go get some Panadol for you since it's already 1am and there will not be clinics that are open at this time. Go to my room first. Don't remain here. You will catch a cold like that." with that, I hold him up and brought him to my room.

I went to get some Panadol and hurried back into my room. By the time I get back into my room, Jonathan is lying on my bed, coughing really badly. 

"Jonathan..are you alright? Here..have this pill. " I brought him up from the bed and gave him the pill.

After he finish the pill, I place my forehead against his. It is burning hot! I take the thermometer  from the drawer and make Jonathan take his temperature. It is 38 degree Celsius! I then hurriedly lay him down, get a wet towel and place it onto his forehead. I place a glass of warm water on the bedside table in case he feels thirsty. I sit down by the bed, on the floor, hold his hand and doze off after awhile. In the middle of the night,  I felt a nudge from above me and I open my eyes and look around. 

"Come up onto the bed and sleep. You will catch a cold if you sleep on the floor. I will share the bed with you. Here." Jonathan said sweetly. 

As I am extremely exhausted and my body is aching, I did not hesitate and just stand up and lie down onto the bed..I am just too tired.

I then whisper softly to myself, "All I wish is for you to be healthy.. Although I love you and I wish I can be there for you, but you have Christine now.. Cherish her.." and I soon went into deep sleep.

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