The worst overcomed

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After being unconscious, Priscillia finally came to.

Priscillia's POV

I open my eyes and look around. There was nobody in the Ward. The first person who came to my mind is Jonathan. Is he okay? I felt extremely worried, got off from my bed and started walking slowly towards the enquiry counter. My leg and abdominal area still hurt from the punches and kicks from before. I had to walk really slowly. When I reach the counter, I ask the nurse, with my face as pale as a sheet of paper  "Sorry for disturbing, can you help me check whether Jonathan is a patient of this hospital?".  

"Yes, he is a patient of this hospital as well. His  Ward number is 45." the nurse replied. 

I then thank her for the last time and started walking towards Ward 45. 

I really cannot wait to see Jonathan.. He risked his life to protect me. I reach Ward 45 and stood outside. I heard the conversation ongoing inside accidentally. 

It is his ex-girlfriend! "Let's get back together Jonathan, I love you. I am sorry for what I did previously.. Really.." his girlfriend said. 

At this moment,I felt extremely jealous and sour inside. However, as I wasn't feeling very well, I fell down, causing a thud to be heard. Both Jonathan and his ex-girlfriend turn their heads towards the door. 

His ex-girlfriend, Juliet, came over to ask who I am and why I am sitting over there. Blood gushed up my face and I felt extremely embarass and awkward. Just when I am about to stand up and leave the ward, Jonathan came over to see who it is. Seeing me on the floor, Jonathan squat down and helped me up with both of his strong arms.

"You wanted to visit me didn't you? Just come in the next time, don't just stand at the door. Your injuries are not even healed yet."  he then carry me to his hospital bed and lay me down, he proceeded to sit on the sofa. 

"We've got nothing more to say. She is my girlfriend, so yeah, you can just scram. Do not come back crawling for me only when you know how good I used to treat you. So please, take your leave and don't harass our resting time before I get the security guard to invite you out. That will be nasty." he said to Juliet. 

Although his words are harsh, but he was speaking as gentle as how he usually does. He is just a gentleman no matter how you look at it.. I felt extremely awkward as he said I am his girlfriend. My face started blushing and that is when Juliet started walking towards me, with her palm lifted, ready to give me a slap on the face. Jonathan knew that she was going to do that and came over, grabbing Juliet's wrist really tightly. 

"If you want to at least remain friends. Leave!"

Seeing that Juliet did not budge, Jonathan immediately calls the security guard and Juliet is asked to get out of the Ward. After Juliet left, I was afraid to look at Jonathan in the eye. Due to the romantic yet awkward confession he have been spilling out, but didn't notice it himself.

Juliet's POV

I will make that stupid girl pay. She is nobody to steal Jonathan away from me. She does not have the appearance and the character. She is just a freaking ugly and geeky girl. Jonathan must have made the wrong choice due to his temporary wrong judement. I'm much prettier than her! Since she is doing this, I will go all out and challenge her and we will see who gets Jonathan in the end. I resort to anything and everything to make her embarrass, I will make her pay and regret for stealing my guy away.

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