Decision as ONE

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"Priscillia Baxter! Leave now and we will settle this matter on our own. I do not want to risk your life and get you involve so please leave now!" Jonathan shouted at me. 

"No! I'm sorry but I will not leave! I promised I will protect you.. Shawn, just carry out the Dead Or Alive." I opposed. Jonathan became extremely quiet all of a sudden. The first time, he did not oppose and say anything and actually agreed to it! 

Tears were strolling down his cheeks but he smiled at me when I was leaving and told me, with his watery eyes "I...I will find you. Priscillia Baxter, I will find you! You have to survive through it and wait for me there!" he told me. The "kidnappers" untie the rope. Feeling upset, I gave Jonathan a hug and told him "Just do your best. This shows our compatibility. last four words. Jonathan, I love you." with that,I walk away and did not turn because I did not want to leave with the sorrow in me. I have confidence. I have confidence that Jonathan will get me out of this place. I believe he will find me and both of us will get out of here. 

I prayed extremely hard to god that we will get out safely. Soon, Shawn then brought me to the icy cold 5 degree Celsius container. When I was inside that container, Shawn pecked me on my neck and told me this "You are a bad girl but it's too bad you're on his side! If you are on mine, then I would have made you mine." and he left the container, locking me up from the outside.

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