Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Julian smiled as he gazed upon Abbey’s sleeping face. She hadn’t stirred a single time all night and the sun was now shining through the window and illuminating the red and golden high lights in her hair.

Marcus was downstairs with the pups and Julian owed his brother a big one for allowing him to stay up here and have this time with Abbey, even though she was only sleeping. Julian knew that Marcus was making pancakes since that was the one and only breakfast food that Marcus was capable of making and Julian could hear the pups laughter floating up from down below.

“Julian…” Abbey’s sleepy voice whispered as she snuggled closer to him and took a deep breath.

Julian knew she was still more asleep than awake but she would be waking soon. It was important that someone be here with her when she did because a lot of things about Abbey would be changed. And it was important for someone to be with the pups as well because they were quite changed this morning. Julian could hear them exclaiming and growing confused and excited all at once over the things they could hear and smell.

“Those pancakes smell good,” Abbey spoke again. Julian looked to her face and found her green eyes watching him warily. “I can smell pancakes from here?”

“Yes,” Julian kept his voice quiet but still she winced a bit. “You’ll find that all your senses are heightened.”

“You are loud,” Abbey accused, “Even your breathing is deafening.”

“I know it seems that way now,” Julian admitted, brushing a feathery kiss across her brow, “But soon you won’t even notice anymore.”

“I feel….” Abbey stopped and frowned.

“What, Abbey?” Julian pressed. “How do you feel?”

“Tired,” Abbey replied with a small curve of her lips.

“Because we bit you for the first time. It won’t be like that every time.”

“You’ll bite me again?” Abbey gasped.

Julian let his tongue trace the bite on her right shoulder, his bite, and her body tightened and began to spasm as she found an immediate release. She was cursing his name as she closed her eyes tight and let the waves of pleasure course over her.

“Those spots will always be sensitive to our touch, Abbey. We plan on licking, biting and tasting them every chance we can,” Julian assured her as his own arousal surged.

“Julian…. Please don’t do that again for a while…. I can’t feel my legs.” Abbey whimpered. “I can hear that the children are okay,” she added, changing the subject.

Julian felt his arousal ebbing back down as he traced patterns on her hand with his fingertips and listened to the pups below, “Yes, they are. They think the changes are pretty fun.”

“So I will have increased senses and I’ll live a long time now, right?” Abbey questioned. “And so will they?”

“That’s right,” Julian replied, the wolf in very content at the thought. She was his now, his and Marcus’s. She would be by their side for the rest of their very long lives and that made both the wolf and the man in him very happy.

“How will I change when I become a wolf?” Abbey questioned, her eyes focused on his chest as her fingers traced the muscles there.

“When?” Julian couldn’t hide the happiness in his voice. She had just said when and not if. Truly his wolf was content for now but the bond between them would not be complete until Abbey fully mated with them and became a wolf herself.

Wild Rogues (third in lone wolf series)Where stories live. Discover now