Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

                Samantha’s bare feet padded against the hardwood floor as she paced beside the phone and clenched her fists. Her long red nails dug into her palms and she chewed worriedly at her bottom lip. Too long. It had been too long since Jason had checked in.

                He never went longer than five or six hours without calling her and he had been gone for days. She knew damn well he had gone on a mission with his brother to find Abbey and those kids and she would kill Joseph if the man had gotten Jason into trouble.

                Samantha had no idea why Jason had to involve himself in Joseph’s troubles every single time. As far as Samantha was concerned What happened between Joseph and Abbey was there business. Joseph was a drug-addicted, drunk, abusive, hard ass and Abbey was a weak, whining woman who had no idea how to keep her man in line.

                Samantha grabbed up the house phone and dialed her husband’s cell phone one last time. After being sent straight to voice mail, Samantha tossed the cordless phone across the room. She watched it bounce onto the plush leather sofa and then she snatched up her cell phone. She looked through the numbers and found the home number for Jason’s supervisor.

                “Hello?” he groggily answered.

                “Hi, Steve, I’m sorry to call so late,” Samantha felt a moment of guilt when she realized it was three in the morning. “Or early I should probably say but…”

                “Samantha? What’s going on?” Steve came to alertness on the other end and Samantha sniffed back tears.

                “It’s Jason. He left three days ago with his brother and I haven’t heard from him since. That’s not like Jason….”

                “That brother of his is trouble,” Steve grumbled. “Why does Jason still run around with him?”

                “I don’t know…” Samantha sighed. “But I’m worried, Steve. I think they might have really gotten into trouble this time.”

                “I’ll make some calls, Samantha. Do you know where they were going?”


                “Wyoming?!” Steve exclaimed. “Jason told me he’d need a few days off but he said it was to get things done around the house. What is he doing in Wyoming?”

                Samantha bit her lip. She might just get her husband in trouble but she didn’t care anymore. It was enough covering for him. He had gotten himself in trouble this time and she was desperate to find him, “He’s helping his brother chase down his wife.”

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