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I looked at the doors, like they had a mind of its own, but I was also thinking.

Thinking of the way how Derek just pushed Berry in a hole, I wanted to kill Derek for that, and now, I had to some how confess to his parents, if we ever found them.

I wanted to cry, but the tears never came, Emily was awake now, but she seemed like she wanted to be alone,

Jane and Kaleb came over to me "Kaleb, can you help me for sec?"

Kaleb shurggs his shoulders "sure, with what?"

I didn't answer, I went over the rocky door on the right, Kaleb got the idea of what we were about to do right away.

Then on the count of three, we pushed them into the middle door, then stepped back.

The doors started to shift, and swirl together like they were all triplets, and were made for each other.

Jane took my hand, Derek, Bill, Joy and Rebel ran over to us to watch.

Rebel barked and spun around in circles.

But Emilly just watched from a diffrent location, against a tree.

Derek watched with awe "that is so-" he started, but he threw up again.

The thorns turned into green vines, the dirt turned into moist soil, and the rocks over layer every thing else, turning it into metal, with a bright brass nob.

I then felt suddenly weird holding Jane's hand, I let go.

"Ok guys" I sighed, then stepped before every body "Alpha told us, if we think of a place we want to go mist, you will be there, does every one want to end up in the same place?"

Every one looked at each other, then nodded

"Ok then" I said, then opened the door, it started to flash diffrent Colors, red first, then bright blue "every one think of my parents house, Astrapes, this might be hard for you, you guys might need to electric travel"

Kaleb grinned "no prob, we will go right now,

"Wait" Jane stopped them "uh, watch out for cops, because the twins had caused some trouble in your identities"

Kaleb laughed "that bad, eh?"

Jane didn't answer, Kaleb hugged his parents, then he took Rebel with them, I had almost forgot about her, they walked off into the jungle/forest.

Bill and Joy went, then Derek.

Jane kissed me on the cheek before she dissapeared inside the door.

Once every one went threw the door, I walked over to Emily.

"Come on Emily, lets go home" I asked softly,

"Get away!" She huffed, and crossed her arms harder against her chest.

"Hey, come on, what did I ever to to-"

"Its not what you did, Layne! It was me!"

I sat down beside her "and what did you do, exactly?"

"I almost killed your girlfriend, and her dad"

I was stunned, I knew she would never do that! But, now I think I know why she was at our door step, to control her,

I take her hand, but in a friendly way "lets go home" I say softly "lets go home, if your parents are gone, you can live with me, or do you want to go to your own home?"

"I don't really know any more, I mean, it would be ok to see my parents, but know I have a full memory, I had ran away from home "

"Look" I said, still softly as possible "just, wherever you choose to go, promise me we will meet again?"

Then she hugged me, and I hugged her.

Tears were rolling down her eyes and onto my dirty body, I didn't mind, it felt good being close to a friend.

But soon we both broke up and I walked Emily to the door, she looked at me for one last time, then walked threw.

And walked up to the door, but stopped, and looked at both Pyra's and Berry Ellsworths graves, I will come back, I say to myself.

I wont forget you Pyra, and Berry, no matter how much you tried to fight the inside of you, you killed Pyra, that's not your fault, you won the fight, but we won the battle, and all the Energizers have to do now, is finish the war.

I walk threw the portal like door, I thought of where I wanted to go, and a serten place, I wanted to be clean.

It felt like a lightyear before a suddenly appeared inside my shower.

The hot steamy focet about me, spilling water over my face, it felt good to be clean.

Then I heard a loud pounding on the door, and it was my little brothers voice.

"Hurry up Layne!" John shouted "I gotta go pee!"

"Hold it! I just got in" which was true.

I got out of the shower a minute later after shampooing my hair, I walked out in only my towel, and John was there, he gave me a hug "I'm glad your back" he whispered softly, then he ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

I walked into my room, got dressed in a plane blue shirt, jeans and walked out barefoot.

A girl was there, about my brothers age, but she looked familier, then I remembered Pyra and Astrapes had a sister named Glacier.

That's when I noticed the room was decorated with balloons and confettie, Kaleb, Derek, Jane, Billy and Joy were there.

Then I saw my mom, she was sanding a upside down pineapple cake.

Was today my birthday? I knew time was weird back here, and that means, it was Kalebs birthday to.

I ran over to my mom, "mom!" I said,

"Layne, don't squeeze me so tight...that's better, and don't worry, Kaleb told me all about it when I got to my senses"

It took me a while, but i figured out that the spell of her forgetting crazy stuff was gone.

Jane walked up to me and hugged me "you smell better" she giggled,

She wore a yellow dress with sunflowers "you look beautiful."

"Now now!" Yelled her dad in back of me "I didn't bring my daughter over here to smooch"

I turned around fast, but held Jane's hand "Jim my man, mined if I say, I'm sorry about the bathroom inferential"

"Don't worry you blop head, I'm not mad any more, just as long as me and my daughter are safe In the end" Jim grinned, then he held up a red party cup "to the Energizers!" He shouted, how did he know our name? I don't know.

My dad and my little brother comes walking out of there rooms a couple minutes later, I hug my dad, then fist pump Kaleb and Derek, then give Astrapes a big, long hug.

"I love you guys!" I yelled at all of them "but, how do you guys take this all well?"

Kaleb looked at me kind of weird "what do you mean bro?"

"I mean, what were the test even for? And why let us go threw them, then just dissapeir"

Derek clapped me on the shoulder "bro, my man, that's the past, this is the present, lets party!"

Powers Confined *Book 3* (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now