Shirts and Popcorn

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"Uhh.. Who or what was that ?" Astrapes asked.

"It was the molten twins." I replied.

"Ohh" she said her face looked a little bit confused.

No one said anything back, and for a moment we all just stood there in silence.

I looked to Layne, he just looked his sword over.

I finally speak up breaking the silence.
"Alright so we should probably get going. We aren't gonna get anything done standing around."

Layne looks up from his sword his face a little bit clueless like he had just woke up from a daydream "yeah um first we need to go back to the swamp I lost my backpack when the tree jumped us"

I nodded and he walked off to go find it.

Layne was quick at finding the swamp we first saw. The girls and I waited for Layne while he ran and grabbed his backpack.

He walked out backpack over his shoulder's.

"Ready ?" He asked.

"I guess as ready as I'll ever be." I respond.

"Where exactly are we going ?" Pyra asked.

"Don't know where ever the clause lead us." Layne says back.

"So we are just supposed to trust your Guy's guts?"

"What do you think we've been running on since we got these rings?" Layne laughs.

Prya and astrapes laughed.

"This way" I say walking off past where the old volcano exit was.

Behind me I heard Layne and the girls talking and laughing. Most often they would say something to me but I just nodded.  I don't know why but I felt different like I had a stomach ache and a head ache, but at the same time I didn't.

Layne ran up to my side "what's wrong bro? You haven't said much since we've started walking."

I must have not noticed to answer him back. A few minutes later Layne speaks up.

"Earth to kaleb." He said waving his hand in front of me.

I blink rapidly "oh sorry, dude I must have zoned out."

"Must have ? You mean you did."

I crack a slight smile, but my mind zones out almost immediately.

Layne must have noticed I zoned out again because he dropped back to the girls.

We had been walking for what felt like a mile or two. We made it into a forest place. It felt different but it wasn't like how the scenery would change when we had a new test. But once we were inside the Forest the air felt damp and cool. It was almost easier to breath the damp cold air.

New clothes would definitely come in handy right about now.

"How much more longer are we going to walk ?" Astrapes asked.

"Just a little while longer, it might be better if we cover more ground." I reply.

She didn't say anything back but let out a sigh.

We walked for about 30 more minutes when Layne said.

"Ok I'm ready to stop my feet are killing me."

I stop and turn around "Ok fine, we can make camp here."

I took out the two sleeping bags and laid thenlm softly on the floor.

Powers Confined *Book 3* (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now