Maze Runner

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"Great!" I yell "this day just keeps getting better!"

"What is it?" Astrapes asks.

"Its nothing!"

"No really what is it ?"

I handed her the note "here read this"

I looked around, the sun was setting
And the farmers had all stopped working, and went inside.

"Oh, so no more driving ?" Asks astrapes.

I shake my head no, It was silent for a minute then I spoke "well, we better get some rest, its gonna be dark soon and we need to get some sleep if we are going to be walking tomorrow"

"Sleep where?" Astrapes asked.

"The car, where else ?" I say sarcastically. I tried to act like I wasn't mad, but I am, I'm mad at those stupid molten twins.

I walked to the side of the car, the back had a lot of room inside of it. I checked the front seats, they didn't move or lean back.

"Well I'll sleep in the front, you can sleep in the back" I say.

"But you can't sleep in the front seat, can you?" Asked astrapes.

"I used to do it on one car rides with my parents, I can do it here."


I looked over to where the cop and the fat guy where, they were both still knocked out cold.

"Now what to do with them?" I say.

Astrapes shrugged.

Right when I was about to say something they disappeared, poof, gone.

"what the!" Me and astrapes say at the same time.

I ran over to where they were, there was nothing left behind.

I knew the twins did it. I looked up into the sky, then back to Astrapes.

"Molten twins... Again!" I say, but I thought about it, and I guess it was good they did that.

Astrapes walked to the drivers side of the car an opened the door and climbed in. I too walked to the car but the passenger side, and got in the front seat.

We sat there for a moment in silence, which was nice, it felt like forever since I've gotten to relax.

The sun had sat and it was dark now. I hear crickets around us and once an owl.

I sat there thinking about if I would meet typhoon or not and what he would be like, and why would the twins have me meet him, why not someone like Zeus with lighting powers like me.

My mind drifted into nothing I was just sitting there. I looked back, Astrapes was out cold.

I closed my eyes, it took me a few minutes, but I drifted off.


As soon as I was asleep, I was in a dream. It wasn't a normal one, its one Infinity sent me. I can tell its not a normal dream for that very reason. Normally in a dream you don't know you're dreaming, but when Infinity sends me them, I know that they are dreams and I'm in them. And they mean something, there ment for me especilaly.

I looked around, all the walls were grey, there was no shadow or light on them, they were a perfect color, I couldn't even tell how far away they were, or if they were right smack against me. My mind, and eyes started to play tricks on me. Gray clouds and random shapes started to show. The shapes looked so real, I reached out to try and grab one but nothing was there. Then I started to think that I was going blind, like maybe the gray walls warent actually walls and I was just blind.

Powers Confined *Book 3* (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now