Brotherly Love

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I had just got done giving Jane a dream, I hope she understood it was real.

Sigma was in front of me standing in a fight position. I had been fighting sigma for a while now. Once I dragged him out of Jane's house, he had emmediatly woke up.

We were at the loading docks where I had first meet Berry. I followed sigma here after he woke up.

Sigmas voice broke my thoughts.

"You have no reason to protect them brother, they are going to ruin the prophecy." He said.

"And what's wrong with that? Maybe things are made to be different." I spit back.

"Things are made to be they way they are ! Are you to blinded to see that brother ? The human shows you a little bit of compassion and now you are on his side?" His fist balled up even tighter as he said it.

"Yo-" I was cut off by Sigmas fist flying towards my face.

I flew back a few feet on impact. I wiped my mouth. There was blood leaking out of my lip.

"Im not happy to be doing this to you brother but, You brought this on your self."

I stand up spiting blood out of my mouth "because I'm doing what's right ? You are the one that is blinded sigma!"

Sigma laughed evilly.

I had no more fire power but I still had lighting, glass, and metal.

Electricity sparked between my fingers as my hate for Sigma grew bigger.

Sigma laughed louder and then, he disappeared from my Sight but I knew who it was still here.

I felt a hard blow to my stomach then an uppercut to my chin.

I was laying down on the floor as more blood ran down from my mouth and my face hurt. Sigma reappeared in front of me as I lay down on the floor in pain.

He walked over and stood over me, and spit on my face.

I grabbed his leg and schocked.

Sigma scream as he fell to the floor.

I formed a glass wall and dropped it on him, then another.

I call on metal and I had a few large pieces in my hands. I made a big type of hammer, and I hit sigma over and over.

Sigmas body jolted from the hits, his face now red with blood.

I switched the metal into a sword and held it over Sigma.

Sigma laughed as blood flew out of his mouth.

"come on brother do it! FINSH ME!" He yelled with anger.

I flung the sword down in a stabbing motion towards Sigmas chest. But I stopped right before the impact.

I dropped the sword to the floor. It made a loud noise as it hit against the cement. I turned around and started to walk away.

"HAHAHA I knew you were to weak to finsh things! You're just like that old man."

Sigmas words made me angry, I stopped walking and turned around.

"What did you just say?"

Sigma laughed again as he spit blood " you heard me."

I called back the sword to my hand and lifted it in the air, I slammed it down this time going to finish the job.

The tip of the sword hit the cement and bent on impact. Sigma fled like he always does when he is about to lose a fight. What a coward he is.

I tighten my fist into balls and crumble the sword. I pick up the metal ball and throw it out to the water, then watch the sunset, still angry but glad my fight is over, for now.

Powers Confined *Book 3* (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now