Plan B

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Derek stood there, nervousness in his hands were shown, but he tried to grip them to keep them from shakeing.

Where was my dad? I thought, he was sopsosed to be with the evil twins!

I formed two huge glass walls on ethier side of him, a boulder of sweat rolled down my chewing covered in dirt, makeing a tiny drop of mud when it hit the dusty floor.

Rebel started to growl, Billy and Joy groaned to gain conshesness.

"You need to trust me Jane, I know I have been a real jerk to your boyfriend and all, but trust me-"

"No!" I bursted my bubble of anger "you shouldn't have helped me, besides, why would I want to trust you to help uipkls?"

Stupid question, I thought, I knew what Derek was going to say next.

"One-" said Derek, lifting up his index finger in the air "-I know where your dad is, two! Those evil twins will get stronger and stronger every time you fight them, three!-" Derek seemed to think for a second "ummmm, three is...I have muscles!"

I put my hands on my hips, letting my glass walls fall to the ground, Bill and helped Joy up, and they now stood side-by-side next to me.

"Who is this?" Bill asked,

"A frei- I mean, someone who is gonna help us"

Joy put a hand on my shoulder, then whispered in my ear "if you trust him, we trust him"

I nodded slowly, Derek crossed his arms across his chest "well?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"You better not be lieing" I finally say, takeing deep breaths, rebel limps over to Derek and starts to sniff his legs, Derek seemed to freeze for a little bit, then bent down to let the dog sniff his hand.

I went over to cover the dogs wounds with the glass again, then I looked over Joys and Bills wounds. Bill picked up. Emily, still thrashing out and cursing.

I thought of Layne when we started to walk out side, and my dad,
"Where exactly did the twins put my dad, Derek?"

Derek sighed, then lifted his head "well, when I was walking with them, they prayed and shouted out names, like Alpha, Omega and Omicron I think, then his body dissenergrated into-into powder, it seemed"

I stair at the vines that grow under our feet, then just think of how Kaleb and Layne are doing on there test, me, Emilly, Bill and Joy barley made it alive.

Emily was sleeping on Bill's back now, I wish I really owes what was wrong with her, she seems normal one minute, but the next?...she turns into a monster with beautiful features.

We walked strait into the jungle, or forest, whatever you want to call it! It seemed like we were walking for three hours when we finally came upon a road.

Derek and me made sure that there was no sign of the twins, and no sign of police, but we couldn't find a place to sleep.

"Now what?" I mutter under my breath,

Derek shurgs his shoulders, I look back at what Joy, Bill and Rebel were doing, but they were just waiting for us.

"I guess we will have to go with option B" I finally say, dusting off my jeans.

"What is it?" Bill asked, "what's option B mean?"

"Camp out" I say plainly, passing them and moving deeper into the forest, Derek catches up with me.

"Jane" he huffed and puffed "you-you cant just blame this on me"

"Who said I was?"

"I can tell, how you moved past, ummm...Kalebs parents and all"

Powers Confined *Book 3* (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now