Hephaestus's Sword: Ignis

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I was in a dream, I hated dreams, especially the ones I had during my tests, but this one was diffrent, it was like my dream about Jane dancing around the lava hole.

I'm hotter than ever, I'm sweating boulders, they hit the ground in a hiss.

My first thought was, another acid rain, but it was just my sweat, maybe I was going to be acid?

I don't know, know I fell could and my teeth chatter in a fast drumbeat.

I look at my souroundings as I try to close my teeth together.

I was in a corner, I walked away from it and noticed I was in a school, because on my left were a row of rooms with teachers names up top.

This wasn't any other random school, it was Antioch Bay High!

What in the world!!!!

Then I started to feel super warm In here, I don't know why but I started looking for the furnace emedietly.

I needed to cool down.

When I found the door to down stairs, my scene changed right when the tips of my fingers hit the nob.

The scenery changed three different times.

First it changed into a building that lightning struck inside, and if you didn't hear what I just said "WHY IS LIGHTNING STRIKING INSIDE!!!!!"

Ok, I take a deep breath and the scene changes when my tempeture changes into a freezing chill.

The scene changes to wear I'm sourounded by rice paper walls, I was ethier in China or Japan.

But when I started to walk around and touching the soft paper doors and walls.

The scene changed yet again.

I was now chained, I was on my knees with etheir chain wraped on each arm that spread them apart.

My sword was in front me, or the one I took from the skeleton, I looked at it closer, flames scorched all the way to the tip of the blade, I had looked at Greek swords and pirate swrods before, but this wasn't a Greek sword, it looked like a gladius, a sword that Romans would use, but a gladius was used for stabbing then defending, this looked like a mix of both a defending sword and gladius.

But when I looked up, teeth still chattering. There was a single light bulb that lit the room.

I looked back down, my sword was gone! But what replaced itd place, was my Pyra knife.

The blade was opened but it gave off no flames or fire.

I sighed, this probably means I'm dead, no wonder I'm so cold.

The room is gray, the floor is hard, rough cement.

There is no doors or windows, until I see smoke shape a mini door as big as my palm right before me.

Then it gets bigger...and bigger...and bigger...

It keeps growing until its as big as a regular size door.

The door is metal at first, then it bursts into flames and turns into a charcoal color.

Then flames didn't bother me, I'm emune to it, and I was hot again, why is it so hot!!!

The chains seemed to melt with my heat, my sweat didn't make me slippery, it was acid again, and it did not burn the chains.

I could see Pyra in the corner of my eye glow bright with color, but I couldn't consintrate to use it.

Powers Confined *Book 3* (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now