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Astrapes and I walked and walked for what felt like forever.

The scenery around us started to change. I didn't flinch or even blink. The scenery changing was so normal to me now, I was so used to it.

It changed to the past, but it wasn't too old. It looked like the 1050s I think, I couldn't really tell.

We were in the middle of a street and there was young kids probably about my age looking at us.

There was two boy and two girls. Both girls wore checkered like flannel dresses, one blue one red. The boys wore pants and at the bottom they were a little bit rolled up. Their shirts were button ups, but they weren't buttoned up all the way to the top. The last two buttons were undone.

I turned to my right and I saw a car. It slammed on its breaks and its horn at the same time. The car was shinny red and nice. It was a two seater, and probably a new car to this time.

I grab Astrapes arm. "Come on!" I say.

We ran off into an alley. The car hunked again and yelled at us. "Stupid kids! Stay out of the street!" The man yelled.

Astrapes laughed as we ran.

We stopped at the back of the alley.

"That was funny." Astrapes laugh with.

"yeah it was." I crack a small laugh. "But if we are going to blend in here we're gonna need some new clothes."

"Where are we supposed to get other clothes ? We don't have any money."

I thought for a moment. Then an idea came to my head.

"We are just gonna have to take some. Common follow me." I say them we walk out of the alley.

"Where are we going?" Asrapes asked.

"A store to find some clothes."

We walked into a clothing store. I didn't bother to look at the name.

Astrapes took off her gun belt and hide it under a garbage can.

The lady that was working looked at us weirdly, then she spoke "Hello! Need any help finding anything?" The woman working asked.

"No thank you." I respond quickly.

"What am I looking for exactly?" Astrapes whispered to me.

I laugh a little "Something that fits you."

I walked away and towards the men's section.

I quickly found my size in pants and a shirt.

I walked to the dressing room. When I got in the dressing room I looked in the mirror. It had been a while since I've looked in a mirror.

My face was dirty but I already knew that. My long curly hair needed to be washed. I had a dryed up blood in scertin spots.

I threw off my shirt and and cut of pants that I had been wearing since I got to this volcano.

I threw on the clothes but I buttoned up the shirt to the top. The sleeves were short. The shirt was red.

I then put on the pants buy I didn't roll them up like the other kids had.

I ripped of the tags on the new clothes amd threw them on the floor.

I grabbed my clothes and walked out. I quickly walked towards the bathroom to clean up.

When I got in the bathroom I walked straight to the sink.

I turned the water on hot then grabbed several paper towels.

I soaked the towels and wiped down my face. Dirt filled the towels and my face looked clean once again.

I threw the paper towels in the trash then walked out, still holding my old clothes.

I scanned the store for Astrapes. I found her walking out of the girls dressing room holding her old clothes as well. Her face was clean and she looked normal. She wore jeans that came out a little past her ankles and a plain shirt.

I walked quickly but stayed acting normal so the lady working wouldn't notice me.

Astrapes saw me an smiled a bit.

I walked up to her an motioned towards the door. I could see now that the lady working was watching us like a hawk.

My and Astrapes walked fast towards the door.

As we got closer to the door the worker got up from her seat.

"run!" I yell to Astrapes.

Astrapes and I dart to the door and out to the open.

We looked left the right them left again. And then Astrapes grabes her gun belt from under the garbage can.

"This way!" I say motioning to the right.

Astrapes followed and the lady from the store ran out screaming and yelling at us.

"I'm gonna call the police!" She shouted.

Astrapes and I ignored her and kept running.

We ran and ran until we thought we were far enough, and we stopped in front of a furniture place.

"You sure know how to show a someone a good time" Astrapes says breathing loudly trying to catch her breath.

I laugh.

"So what know?" Astrapes asked. "Or what do we do with these?" she held up her old clothes.

I looked down at my old clothes as well. "I don't know we could hide them?"

"Ok... But hide them where?" She asked, putting her gun belt around her shoulder.

I looked around. I see a park across the street not a big one and it didn't have any toys, it was more of like a picknick park.

"There." I say pointing to the park.

" Ok."

Me and astrapes crossed the street to the park. We walked over to a nice big tree.

"Here is where we will hide our clothes!" I say.

Astrapes looks the tree up and down. "In front of a tree? How is that hiding out stuff?"

"Not in front of the tree stupid, in the tree."

"Ohh.. See that makes more sence."

I laugh the jumped up and climbed the tree.

"Here, hand me our old stuff?" I say reaching down.

"Ok" Astrapes said, then handed me our stuff.

"Wait what about my guns?" She asked.

"You will get caught Lugging that thing around, and besides you have powers you won't need it!"

"Well I guess your right." She said back. But she still didn't look happy about it.

I then turned and looked for a place to hide our old clothes.

I found the perfect cubby hole and tried to stuff our things inside but something was blocking it. I reached my hand inside and pulled out a crumbled up piece of paper.

I uncrumbled it and saw that it was a map. But not a normal map. It only had one destination and it read Etna Mountain, I had already put two and two together that this was from the molten twins, and that this was part of our test. I didn't know how they knew we would hide our clothes in this cubby hole up in a tree but they did.

"Watcha got there capton?" Asked astrapes.

"A map." I replied.

"A map to what?"

I jump out of the tree and land next to astrape.

"To our next test, Etna mountain, Here we come!"

Powers Confined *Book 3* (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now