my home my family

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Jocelyn Pov.

it had taken them three weeks to plan my wedding, I was happy to Caine had asked them for help, I could not have done it myself, I looked at Hanna, who was standing at the door and had gotten more and more bodyguards.

"Mom, you should not be here," I said, and saw her, but she just smiled.

"I will not let you go through the preparations yourself, you are my daughter, all know that doctors and bodyguards are so close to me that I can not take a step without them knowing how I go how I feel," she said and I looked on, when the women were being put up my hair and then I saw the woman who would do my makeup.

"I know, Mom, but I do not want to cause my siblings harm" I said and saw how the guys put a chair next to me.

"Sweetie, your siblings will come when they come," she said and looked at me in the mirror.

I sat still while they did make up. I hated that I couldn't do this myself, I was not sufficiently good at this. I looked at Hannah when they were done with it.

"Guys, you may leave the room," said the woman who held the white garment bag.

"They will not leave Hanna alone in here, they're here on my and my future husband's orders," I said and looked at Hanna, who smiled at me.

I saw how they held up the dress for me to step into it, I looked at Hanna, who wiped his eyes with tears.

"You look just like a princess," she said and looked at me, I looked at myself in the mirror

"Thank you for choosing the short veil" I said as she put the firm on and I looked at my two bodyguards who came in with Alex.

"Do you take with Hanna down the hall," I said and looked at them.

"of course Luna" they said, and looked at Hanna, who already had two guys who was helping her out of the chair.

"Honey, you're ready," said Alex, looking at me while I began to walk toward the door, and there stood Alex.

"So ready I'll ever be," I said and looked at him.

I looked at Alex who kept me steady while walking the stairs I hated when I had the dress on me, it made it difficult to walk, but Alex held me firmly, we had talked about holding the ceremony inside the dinning room but Alex led me out received rose garden.

"What would not we do not keep it inside the great hall," I said as we walked.

"Caine arrived last night and asked Hanna and me if you had not wanted it out in the rose garden instead" Alex said and I looked in the yard that had many white and lavender colored ribbon, along a time as what covered with red and white rose petals.

I saw our entire pack which was now there, it was in the clear parts, silver dagger noticed warriors, were the only ones who had returned, because we were a warrior pack. Black Moon was a small pack because it had shared four times after my mother's death, I saw Marc standing up beside Caine, but on my side, where a bridesmaid would have stood beside him stood Crescent moon pack's next in line Alpha Eric and next in line Beta Daniel, I saw Caine who stood in his black suit, with a gray vest and a white shirt with a blod red rose in his breast pocket.

I looked at Nico and Matt who were both on either side of my mother.

I had not noticed, that we finally arrived at Caine, and Alex took my hand and looked at me.

"I hope you take care of my daughter, even if she only was my daughter almost a year," Alex said as he handed over to me, Caine.

"She'll be safe here with us, and no one will get hurt her," Caine said as he took my hand and kissed my hand.

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