17th ♪. "Angelina is......."

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~Weeks Later~


Just be friends

All we gotta do is just be friends

Its time to say goodbye and just be friends

All we gotta do is just be friends...

Just be friends....

I ran my hand across the keys of the piano. My feet thumped softly on the hard floor. Today was the day that Angelina was going to have surgery. Our visits had to come to a stop and now I'm here regretting never talking to her.

Because I may never get to talk to her again. I accidentally played a note harshly from my thoughts. I have to see her again. If I don't...I'll never be able to live with myself.

In the morning light of

yesterday I suddenly realized

As I gathered up the broken

shards of what use to be

Ruby and everyone had already gone. Maybe I was the only one at the school. Maybe I wasn't. I glanced at the sheet of music paper that stood in front of me. "Our Symphony...." I mumbled lowly. Would we be able to play it?

The concert is in a couple of more weeks. Will she still be here? I take a deep breath and begin playing the song, her song, no our song. The notes dance around the place starting to connect and create harmony.

I wasn't thinking straight

And I cut my finger by mistake

Is this what really became of the

love we once both dreamed of?

But...its not the same. Where's the violin? Will there be a violin again? Will Angelina be here again? The tune came together and started to wrap around me from head to toe consuming me. The sounds were getting louder and louder.

I wondered why but then I realized I was pushing too hard on the keys. My eyes widened and the world went from white and black to blue.

I always knew the truth

at the bottom of my shy, beating heart

That making a choice

wouldn't mend but tear us more apart

No! Dammit! No!

My fingers started to tremble as my movements started to slow down. The dynamics and tune spread everywhere, nothing was in sync anymore. Angelina...Angelina...please come back. The song processed from beautiful to horrible.

The notes splattered everywhere nothing going together. I pounded harder and harder on the keys noticing I couldn't hear myself playing anymore. All I could hear was a similar sound of hitting the ocean when you were under water.

It was happening again, I couldn't hear my playing again.

Love was never my thing

It's so confusing and it stings

There are no words that can excuse

all the mistakes that I've made

Our Symphony {Your Lie In April}Where stories live. Discover now