13th ♪. Mother

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I happily skipped to the bakery that wasn't far from my house. It was actually the one where I bought me and Kousei some caneles. Oh my mom said it was fine for me to get some sweets today! Man I loved sweets! The sugar makes me so energetic and it tastes delicious! Mmmm! Oh the thought of the food right now in my dry mouth is setting me off! I opened the door for a father and his son. They both smiled and thanked me and then I walked inside.

The bakery gave you a homey feeling which I enjoyed very much. The walls were a crème brown and a light brown granite flooring. The amazing pastries were behind a glass counter that stretched across the whole front counters. There were wooden tables and chairs with menu's and daffodils in the center. The place wasn't complete with a piano set in the corner for enjoyment. The bakery was buzzing with people but not enough to say it was crowded but enough to say almost all the seats were taken.

I walked to the register where a kind cashier greeted me. She had kind green earthy eyes and fire orange hair that was in curls. Her name tag on her shirt read: CASSANDRA. "Hi, I'm Cassandra and welcome to Du Pain Frais Et Des Gateaux! What would you like to enjoy today?" she asked sweetly. My eyes were focused on the chocolate, strawberry, and other treats that surrounded me. They all looked good. "I-I don't know!!!" I said and grabbed my cheeks. Cassandra giggled at my actions. They all would satisfy me! Why cant I buy them all!....oh that's right... I'm almost broke..

I bit my lip and stared intensely at the food. I was lucky no one was behind me or else they would be having a fit. My foot started to tap and I drummed my finger on the counter. Cassandra kept her smile on kindly but I'm sure they just taught her to do that. I clicked my tongue and finally came up with a decision. "I think I'll go with the....Apple turnover." I said though I was still battling inside my mind whether this was the right choice.

Cassandra typed who knows what in the cashier and letters appeared that formed my food and numbers that appeared to be the price. "That will be $3.50 mam." she said. I handed her a $5 bill. "Keep the change." I said since I was more into the pastry. She grabbed some napkins and took the apple turnover carefully and placed it in my hands. "There you go! Have a great day!" she said with a small wave.

I nodded quickly and smiled widely. It looked so delicious! It was fried and the filling inside was apple flavor! You could almost see the sugar inside! It was shaped as a triangle and I loved it! I was afraid I would drool over the savory food. I would've gotten a tea to go with it but I was broke. I quickly began walking out the store until I felt my arm harshly shove someone.

I froze and turned to meet a woman. She was good looking but I could somehow make out that she was older then she looked. She had dark but nice grey eyes and fair wrinkles. Her light coconut brown hair was pinned up in a ponytail that reached her shoulder. She wore a pink shirt with a professional black jacket and pencil skirt with an additional red necklace. "Oh I'm so sorry!" she said and dug her fingers gently in her bag that read the bakery's name.

"No....I'm sorry.." I said and looked at her clearly. Suddenly my question popped out. I didn't mean to ask it but my mouth refused to work with my mind. My eyes went wide when I said it. I wasn't expecting it to come out. "Are you Kaori Miyazono's mom?" I asked her. Why did I ask this question? I've never seen the girl. Only a description from Tsubaki. And even the description doesn't fit this stranger. But...I just have a gut feeling...that...maybe....just maybe this is K-

"Yes...I am.." she said softly. I jumped a little but a lot inside. "And who are you?" she asked. "Well I'm Angelina. K-Kousei Arimas friend." I said. She smiled. "Oh Kousei. Hm, how's he doing?" she asked. "Well! Very well!" I said. She nodded. "Tell him I said hi." she said and was about to walk off but I grabbed her sleeve. "Hm? Are you okay sweetie?" she said. "Can you tell me about her?" I asked.

"About Kaori..." I said almost below a whisper. It felt like no one else was here. Only me and her and my hanging question. Is my stupid curiosity getting the best of me and my body? Or am I just trying to be more like Kaori so that Kousei will like me. That's truly pathetic. Its sad that I don't know my own intentions in asking this.

"Sure..I can tell you about her..."


We sat just outside of the bakery on a black and brown bench. I took a bite out of my turnover enjoying the sweetness of the liquidly apple flavor. "So you want to know about Kaori?" she asked me and placed her bag in the middle of us. "Yes mam." I said when I swallowed. "My baby Kaori. Tch, she was a sweetheart that's for sure. She was often friendly and encouraging, but could also be unpredictable. Growing up, Kaori had many interests that constantly changed, from ballet and playing piano to wanting to be a gladiator and wanting a pet Iwatobi penguin." she said with a small laugh and I laughed with her.

"She liked to depend on herself and only herself and could be seen as more of a support for others. Her smile was bright as the sun and she kept it on her face all the time." she said. I smiled. "Can I see a picture of her?" I asked. She nodded and grabbed her phone. She switched from photo to photo before she found the one that she liked.

"This was when she first entered junior high." she said and handed me the phone. It showed a young girl with yellow hair tied in a ribbon creating pigtails and wore full-framed rectangular black glasses like Kouseis. "She's beautiful." I said. Her mom chuckled and gently took her phone. "This was when she was in junior high too. But she had decided to change herself." she said and showed me another picture.

It was different. It was the same young girl but...She still had her same blonde hair and blue eyes but her ribbon and glasses had been abandoned. Showing her true self. I gasped. She was beautiful. Happy. Smiling. She was.."She's free." I said. "Why that's some words! But your right. She was free." she said.


She was free...

My smile slowly frowned. She's not here anymore. She never was coming back. "She liked to use quotes when making speeches. It was quite entertaining actually!" she said with a smile. "She was in and out of the hospital constantly when she was young. No older then 5. Me and her father had discovered that she didn't have long to live." she said quietly. I ate silently while I listened. "So she lived her life out till the fullest. And tried new things. She was amazing. She was my Kaori." she said.

I finished my pastry and placed my hands neatly on my lap. "She um passed away of bone marrow failure." she croaked. I bit my lip harshly. My grandmother died of that same illness. She was my best friend. I was devastated when I found out. "She...She's gone now..." she said. I noticed her voice and the way her fingers were trembling.

I was shocked to see the woman sprouting tears from her eyes. They fell down without hesitation and didn't even care to slow down. "I'm sorry..." she said and wiped them away but they just kept falling down. I placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry.." she said and sniffed. I couldn't open my mouth. Now it wouldn't move.

Instead I pulled the woman in a strong hug and placed my chin gently on her shoulder. "Its alright. Just cry. Let it out. Its better to break down and cry instead of never telling anyone." I said. Her mouth quivered and she bursted out crying, wetting my shirt and making it damp. But I didn't mind at all. Her hand squeezed my shoulder casing her bag to fall down. She didn't even look and kept crying. Probably for the best.

I glanced and saw that she had ordered....caneles....

"Its been so long since I've eaten one...ever since Kaori...

They must've been her favorite. I rubbed Kaoris mothers arm soothingly doing my best to calm the sorrowed woman down.

This was my fault. I should've never asked her to tell me about Kaori. I'm truly sorry..I want to tell her. But my lips are dry and so is my mouth. The sun was beaming but I wasn't happy like usual. Something soft rubbed against my legs and I saw the two cats again. I haven't seen them in so long.

The white one licked the black ones ear and it shook its head. The black cat then swirled around the white one and they both started nuzzling their noses against my legs.

Damn it...Damn it...

I'm sorry for asking you this. I didn't mean to hurt you...

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