Geeky Pretty Princess ~

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~ I would also like to say that :

* The contents of the book is not referring to anybody.

* Should you want to get ideas from any part of the book, do leave me a message ^^ (Don't worry, I don't bite)

*As stated, if the book is PG or PG13, read at your own risk. As the content will be as stated..

* The content of the books is for entertainment purpose only...

* Some content of the book is not appropriate for kids 13 and below.

* Other than that, Enjoyy the book! :) I love you, readers! :)

~Author : Have you ever feel like this person in your school is Geeky? Don't underestimate them..They might look Geeky from the outside. But, have you seen the other side of them? Or should I say, the prettier side of them.

Priscillia's POV 

I am Priscillia, a 14 years old which makes me a Grade 8. I have a happy family of me, my sister name Christine and lovely and adorable parents. In the mind of the others, I have always been known as a Geek because I only study and read quite a number of books. Just like the other teens, I attend school daily and hang out with my group of friends. My classmates regard me as a Geek because they say all they see me doing is studying. I am blessed to have the height of a model, 165cm, majority of the time wearing a polo tee and skinny jeans to school. I am always carrying stacks of books and copies of worksheets on my hand. wanna know a little about my crush? He's my pre-school friend and I hang out with him a lot after school dismisses. We knew each other since 4. His name is Jonathon, he has spiky dark brown hair, the biceps he trained by going to the gym make him look really hot, he is 170cm, cheers me up when I'm upset and teaches me in my studies when I faces problems. Shh..Keep it a secret because he still doesn't know that I have a crush on him. 

After having a one week holiday, it is time to go back to school! I stood in front of my middle school and breathe in the fresh air. And that was when I saw him! My crush! "Jonathon!" I shouted. He turned around..he looked really smartly dressed up. He was wearing a t-shirt with black bermudas. 

"Hey! Priscillia!" he waved at me and gave me a wide smile. Jonathon then came running to me.

 "Hi..I got transferred over to this school. As you know, my parents did not want me to get influenced as my results really made them hit the roof. I had horrible results. And so, they transferred me over to this school believing that I can do better here." he said. 

"I see! I'm glad you transferred here. I can assist you with the subjects you are weak in, if you want me to. Because it was always you who was teaching me last time. And do you know what class you will be assigned to already?!" I asked excitedly. 

"Yes, I am assigned to 2A." he replied shrugging.

"Yay! I'm in Class 2A! Glad that we're in the same class. Let's head to class now before my form teacher, Miss Linda starts scolding again.." I said excitedly. 

"Wait.." he said and helped me hook the strand of hair which was flying around my face to the back of my ear. We both walked hurriedly to the classroom block and entered class. We are late! Miss Linda cast her gaze that was filled with anger at us. She then look at Jonathon, it was as if she was bewitched She smiled and winked at Jonathon. I was speechless. 

"Don't mind, this is what happen when she sees a hot guy. Now let's go to our seats and I advice you not to go near her because she did things which were really overboard to the previous transferred boys" I whispered to Jonathon. Feeling curious, Jonathon asks "What did she do?". I saw Miss Linda walking our way then made a turn towards Jonathan. With that, I pulled Jonathon away and brought him to my seat. As there was a empty seat, I suggested "Miss Linda, can Jonathan sit here? Since nobody is sitting beside me." "Alright! Alright! Settle down soon. The class is starting." Miss Linda replied feeling annoyed. I felt really delighted as I am now sitting beside my crush! Hopefully things will continue to be smooth as it is currently..

Do comment and tell me how you feel about the story up till now. ^^ The update will continue further on :)

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