Chapter 13

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So this is chapter 13! The chapter I have wanted to post for ages! I'm sorry if you don't like it and/or if you think its written poorly! I tried to include Loki feels in this one so would appreciate as much feedback as possible ;) Oh and I also apologise now for my terrible skill in writing conflict. I can't write fight scenes to save my life. Anyhoo feed me your comments down below and enjoy the chapter!

Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx

Reaching the courtyard, Loki was able to see just how bad the situation had gotten since the frost giants had invaded. Bodies covered the cobble floor like confetti and the war was still going strong. He noticed Thor in the distance putting his hammer to good use. Grabbing Laila’s hand he began to run towards his brother. Laila kept her eye on Loki as she smashed frost giants that tried to reach him. Eventually they got to Thor. Laila glanced at Thor’s expression. He seemed to be enjoying the situation that he had been thrown into. Thor glanced in Laila’s direction and nodded at her presence. Laila nodded back before drawing her sword and ball and chain from her armour and crushing any frost giant in sight. Loki was right by her side, mimicking her actions. However, as they fought, the number of frost giants began to increase to impossible proportions. Loki began to worry that they were not going to win this fight. It seemed that the whole population of frost giants had turned out to fight them.  As Loki contemplated his options, he noticed Laufey, the king of the frost giants, standing in the distance watching all the action. Laufey caught Loki’s eye and gave a wicked grin. Loki frowned in confusion. Then, in that split second of hesitation, Loki felt Laila’s hand being seized from his own as the frost giants pulled her away from him.

“Loki!” screamed Laila as the frost giant slung her over its shoulder. Loki swung around and saw Laila being carried back to the gateway in which the frost giants had entered. Panic and adrenaline began to rush through Loki’s body

“LAILA!” he shouted back. Frantically he began to shout for his brother “Thor! THOR! They’ve got Laila! I’ve got to save her!” Thor heard his brother’s frantic screams and answered back

“Then go! I’ve got your back!” he shouted. Loki nodded and sprinted off in the direction of Laila’s kidnappers, who were just about to reach the gateway. In a last act of desperation, Loki jumped for the frost giants back. The sudden weight of Loki on its back sent the frost giant to the floor with a thump. Laila fell too and rolled slightly away from her kidnapper. However it was not long before she was seized by another two frost giants who grabbed her under the arm. Loki got up from the floor and searched anxiously for Laila to see if she was safe, then he noticed her in the arms other frost giants and his eyes filled with dismay. As the frost giants were about to carry on to the gateway Loki screamed to them, hoping they would listen to him

“No! Please! Don’t take her!” he pleaded desperately. Laufey, who had just joined them in returning to the gate, stopped and halted his warriors. He then turned to Loki who now lifted his head up in hope that Laila might be released. Laufey walked back over to Loki and questioned him

“Why shouldn’t we take her?” he asked with repent flashing through his eyes. Loki began to search for the words to make him understand

“She...she means the world to me and I can’t imagine my life without her. I know that whatever you have in store for her back on Jotunheim, she does not deserve. I am begging you, not as a warrior, but as a desperate man, please don’t take her.” Laufey laughed and the frost giants followed his lead. Loki could not understand why they were laughing. Eventually Laufey stopped and answered Loki’s pleas

 “Don’t you understand what revenge is prince? Do you not understand the term ‘an eye for an eye’? If Odin is willing to steal something precious from me then I shall take something precious from him. Understand?” It took Loki a few seconds to take in what was being said before he replied

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