dealing with a mean teacher

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Always do your homework. It doesn't matter if all the answers are not correct, but it will show the teacher the effort you made to do your best.

Pay attention in class. Show that you are at least trying to learn the material. Don't talk to your friends when the teacher is talking, because this is a huge pet peeve for teachers and they remember and it is not a good start. It will end up on your report card if you do this often.

Take notes. Taking good notes is a very important part of being a good student. It will also show that you are trying to understand what he or she is teaching. When it is not necessary to take notes, make eye contact with the teacher.

Always have your necessary equipment organized. It's okay if you forget once or twice, but if you are always asking for something such as a pencil or a piece of paper, your teacher is bound to get angry.

Always be on time. Just as with school supplies, it is okay to be late once or perhaps even twice, but the teacher is bound to get angry.

Ask questions. Teachers don't mind questions. In fact, they show that you are at least learning something. However, make sure that the question is relevant to the topic. Never be afraid to ask questions, because if you don't actually know the material you will be in an even worse position.

Be polite. Always be careful with your manners, since teachers can be especially strict about them.

Don't argue. To deal with unfairness, rather then arguing, talk to your parents or guidance counselor about it.

Think before you speak. Eliminating any "Um" or "Uh" sounds makes you sound mature and under control, which can help the teacher learn to like you.

Go the extra mile. When seeing the teacher in the hallway or outside of class, smile and greet them politely (If your shy this will be hard to attempt).

If you make an attempt to be kind to the teacher, he or she may eventually grow to like you. 

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