The Girls Guide On Being A Girl

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The Girls Guide On Being A Girl

Who doesn't love being a girl. I love being a girl. There are lot's of great qualities on being a girl. But there are some things a girl should know and responsibilities they should take care of. I'm going to show you things a girl should know.
♥O1 : Wash your face with a face cleanser. The water should be warm.♥
♥O2 : Straight posture. It'll make you look slimmer and very nice. So get into the habit of sitting or standing up straight. Especially in school.♥
♥O3 : When putting nail polish on please makes sure to add clear nail polish ( top coat ) first to keep you nails from losing it's color when painted.♥
♥O4 : Sleep on back to prevent wrinkles.♥
♥O5 : Do not wear a lot of makeup. This will help you look younger.♥
♥O6 : Drink lot's of water. About 8 glasses and get 8 or more hours of sleep. This is very good for your health.
♥O7 : When taking a shower and about to wash your hair use the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair type.♥
♥O8 : Be fearless. This will make you more happier during life.♥
♥O9 : Brush your teeth 2 or 3 times a day. Morning,Evening and Night.♥
♥1O : After taking a shower make sure to moisturize with lotion to keep your body feeling soft & supple.♥
♥11 : Floss all the time after you brush your teeth or eat something.Flossing will prevent you from having bad breath.♥
♥12 : It's a great thing to use mouth wash when you are done flossing & brushing your teeth to make sure that your teeth are squeaky clean.♥
♥13 : Try to exercise. This will keep you in shape and healthy.♥
♥14 : Make sure to wash of your makeup off before going to bed so that your face won't have as many blemishes.♥
♥15 : Don't squeeze your pimples! Don't pick or scratch at anything! When drying your skin from washing your face, don't scrub your face in the towel, gently pat it.♥
♥16 : Brush your teeth for at least 3 to 5 minutes. This will help keep your teeth extra clean.♥
♥17 : Make sure to sleep with 2 or 3 pillows so that your back won't be hurting when you wake up.
♥18 : Eat healthy foods regularly if you want to loose some extra pounds. It also keeps you looking natural & better than ever.♥
♥18 : Showering is very important. A warm short shower is better than a long hot one. Hot showers cause wrinkles.♥
♥19 : Wash your hair every other day, when you shower of course. washing it every day takes away all the natural oils that stop frizz and add shine. if your hair is oily, wash it. if its dirty, wash it. if not, don't.♥
♥2O : When speaking try not to look down at your feet- ever. Speak your mind, and don't be afraid of what others think. If you feel shy, stay quiet until you can find a good place to jump into the conversation at. There always will be one.♥
♥21 : Smiling helps you stay positive and makes others feel less intimidated by you. Smiling at yourself in the mirror when you wake up is a positive way to begin your day.♥
♥22 : Don't try to act dumb just to seem cute, because it's even cuter to be smart. Guys like smart girl! Study hard and if you're going to a party or going out, do your homework before! It may not seem that fun to study and do homework but you will thank yourself when you're a successful woman. In the end, being successful is really important. Don't let your social life get in the way. Work hard in class and be consistent.♥
♥22 : Cut back on the junk food. Instead of chips or ice cream, have a fruit smoothie or low fat yogurt. It's OK to treat yourself one in a while, but eating fatty foods every day is not healthy.
♥23 : Exercise at least 30 minutes everyday. Be comfortable with the size you are. Try running 20-30 minutes, a few times a week. Do some push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, etc to keep your muscles in good condition. Try to eat healthy.♥
♥24 : If you're a shy person it might be a little harder, but go out there and meet new people. Don't try to just stick to one type of clique. Hang out with new people. Do some crazy stuff you would never think of doing. After all, you want to grow up and have amazing memories to remember. Go to parties. Everyone loves parties.♥
♥25 : Hang out with your friends more often - go shopping, to the cinemas or just hang out round your place or theirs.♥
♥26 : Be friendly and polite♥

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