Tips To Help You Make Straight A's

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• focus
This is incredibly important! The more you focus on your work, the faster you will get it done, and it will most likely be right.

• don’t have distractions
The worst thing you can do is have distractions, like your phone, the TV, or anything like that. It will take you longer and your work won't be as good.

• take good notes
If you ever find yourself needing help, your notes can help a lot IF they are good notes. Try to keep your notes organized, write neatly, and have headers that tell you what each section is.

• pay attention
I know sometimes you really want to talk to your friends in class, but it will pay off if you don't. Also, you won't get in trouble.

• ask questions
If you are confused, ask all the questions you need. I know it’s not always fun to ask in front of everyone, but you should if you don’t get something. If you need to, talk to the teacher after class.

• come up with a study habit
Find something that helps you study, whether it’s rereading it or writing it down. Also come up with a good place to study, and a good time for you.

• have people quiz you
Not only will you be more prepared for a test, you’ll also remember the ones you got wrong.

• try
I know this is obvious, but people I know complain about not making good grades and they don’t even try. You have to want it.

• make time
This is really big if you play a sport or have a club. If you feel that you only have time for one, you probably need to stop the club or sport. Or, if you have electives, you could switch to a study hall.

• double check your answers
At home, use a calculator to check the answers to math problems, or check with a parent for the answer to another question. On tests, rework problems or use the process of elimination on multiple choice questions to make sure your answer is the best one.

• be a good student
I don't mean be a teacher's pet, but you do need to have an "okay" relationship with your teacher. Since there is a participation grade in most classes, that will affect your grade.

• do your work
You have to do all your homework and classwork. Most teachers take off points if something is late, and turning something in that is incomplete will make you lose even more points.

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