Lemme Kiss you before we go.

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  • Dedicated to To those who have ever read this book. (:

I woke up to the sound of a guitar and an angel's voice. I mentally groaned and I checked my clock. It was only 5 am. I decided to get some more sleep, while listening to the beautiful voice. But that song. It was sad. "Even when I'm walking on barb wire, even when I set myself on fire. Why do I always feel, invisible, invisible." I rubbed my eyes to get a better look at who was sing. It was gorgeous Karla, sitting on the window sill, strumming on my guitar. 

"Morning babe." I climbed ou to f bed and gave her a warm hug from behind. She placed the guitar back into the case and smiled. 

"Morning." She said. "Did I wake you up? I was terrible right?" 

I shook my head, "You were wonderful. But why that song?" 

"Do you ever feel like you do your best but everyone just sees your flaws and your good side is just invisible?" She asked me.

I nodded, "There are those people who call me gay, and that I sound like a girl, don't you think I get fed up?"

"How to you ignore it?"

"I ignore it because I know I have beautiful fans out there and my friends and my family." I said, I smiled. "And I have you."

"But it's different for me." She said. "The people who hate on me are the people who love you. And that'll never change. They'll always see me as the bitch who stole there Justin away."

"Oh babe, you know it's not true. You're not what they say you are. No one can judge you. You're you." I told her. "And if they can't accept that then it's their problem."

Karla smiled meekly. "But it's better to me admired and respected then hated, you know Justin?"

"I know, I know, but things happen and we just need to  deal with it." I said and I kissed her neck from behind. Karla giggled at squirmed away. 

"Get washed Justin, we're leaving in a hour or so." She told me. 

"We're leaving Canada." I said, look at this place. "Do you think we'll ever come back?"

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows?" Karla said and she left me in the room, to go join Ryan and them to have breakfast. I sighed and got ready. I wish my girlfriend is strong and not constantly worrying about how people see her. It doesn't matter. Just be true to ourselves, to your friends and to God and whatever anyone else says, it's only opinions. But I guess that's something Karla failed to see. 

I fisnished showering at went to join them for breakfacf. They were having take out flap-jacks. Not the best but since wehad no plates (as they were all packed) I guess it just has to make do. 

"Morning, Justin." Scooter said, packing up the official stuff. 

"Yeah, morning." said Ryan, who was stuffing his mouth. He was the only guy who I know, who likes eating even more than I do. Oh, and Chaz. 

Chaz. It all happened so fast. Just yesterday, I punched the living hell out of him. I'd do that again if I had the chance. The nerves of that boy! I always knew he had this soft spot for Karla but I never knew that soft spot was so big that he would even consider lying to us, using us, the heck he even dared to steal Karla away from me. When made a promise to never steal any of our girlfriends and the day he broke that promise. The day I broke friends with him. 

"Justin, we need to finish packing." Karla said, and she got up and took her suitcase. I followed her I started throwing my dirty and clean clothes together into a pile. 

"Justin, you don't do it like that." Karla told me and she folded my things neatly and placed it back inside. 

"Thanks" I said. I looked at Karla. She looked extra pretty today. (not that she's not everyday_ She was wearing Dream Out Loud clothes, by Selena. She was wearing a beanie, a loose pink tee with a scarf to go with it and jean-like (sorta) tights. And the necklace I gave her. I realized, there was only one thing I wanted to go do before we left. 

I pulled Karla close and as I got nearer I could smell she wore perfume, rose. I felt my heart beating as pulled her as close as I could. I reached in for a kiss but she pulled away. 

"Karla," I moaned and she pressed her fingers on my lips. 

"We need to go, Justin." She said but before that she gave my lips a small peck. I deepened the kiss. Hold her by the waist, I slipped my tongue into her mouth. She moaned into mine and her arms flung over by shoulder. Her lips were soft and tasted of raspberry. I pushed her on the bed, kissing her fiercely. I moved down to her neck. Leaving a trail of butterfly kisses. What was I doing? I let my hormones get to me. 

I got off her. "I'm sorry, that wasn't right." I mumbled. 

"It wasn't right, but it wasn't wrong." She said, almost flirtatiously. And she pulled me in, kissing me and hugging me. It was almost as if she was trying to seduce me. 

I played with her soft brown hair. "You're lovely." I said, breaking the kiss although I was hungry for her I made sure to control myself. 

She giggled and got off me. "We better go now." I nodded and taking her hand we said our last goodbyes to this place. 


So, Ima stop here and did you have fun reading Justin's thoughts on Chaz? Did  you like reading Justin and Karla's little make out session? (haha, jay kay, don't answer that, it's just weird) 

What do you think will happen next? More drama? Will Jasmine come back? Tune in on Thursday for more! Ima upload either on Thursday or Friday! 

If you have any story suggestions, leave one behind, I might write a new story. 

xoxo. (Here is a litte authors note, by the way so read it if you want!) 

I'm reaching 200 fans and may I just say, thank you. I first started writing this story on Aug 2. Having nothing to do I started writing and writing and writing. I've been writing this for 3 months now, and may I just say. Thank you. This book has gotten quite successful and I appreciate all the comments I get and although I have writers block a lot, I will never quit writing this. Because this story is my life. (ok that was pathetic.) but it is. Everyday I rush home just to writing a few lines of this. So it really is my life. Now I know I'm CLEARLY not the best writer but, I do think every chapter I write, I make improvement. (or at least I hope so) I love you all and here are some of the few that has helped me through out this book. 

PurpleTaco143, my mamacita Alexis. You're probably the reason why this book actually got some views. (I told you to read it, and y'ah know, you read it and stuff and people started reading) 

iSophiaBieber I read KaityB, and I love love loved it so much, i just HAD to write my own. Man, you're my inspiration. 

BieberSchwag I'm one of your BrookieMonsters! You never fail to make me laugh and your rants made me laugh so hard. 

Niley-Fan You're one of my first fans and I will love you until I die. Literally. 

And to you, whoever is reading this, I love you and I love you and I love you. 


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