[1] A Vampire Always Gets What He Wants.

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 Chapter 1

I quietly made my way upstairs to my little brothers room. I slowly opened his door making sure I didn't wake him up. Quietly, I tip toed up to his bed and glanced down to see his calm little 9 year old face, showcasing the image of complete innocence as he breathed calmly in and out.

 I sighed to myself, by tomorrow night he and I would be flying out to our distant uncle and aunt’s house somewhere in London.

I slowly leaned down placing a soft kiss on my brother’s temple before silently leaving his room, closing the door behind me. Sluggishly, I made my way downstairs to the living room, plopping down on the couch. Leaning my head back on the couch I had a wonderful view of the bright blue ceiling. Just looking up at it brought back happy memories, though, at the moment they seemed more painful than joyous. I closed my eyes trying desperately to keep the waterworks from starting.

I tried thinking back to the good old days when we were all one big happy family, before that stupid guy came and ruined my life.

It was like any other day after school; I was walking down the damp sidewalk toward my house. As I looking both ways before crossing the street I saw him, the guy who's been following me for the past few weeks. I quickened my pace trying to get home as fast as I could. Running up the steps to my front door I tried desperately to find my house key. 

Glancing behind me I saw him, walking casually toward me like he was just out on a casual stroll. Turning back around hastily I found my key thrusting it into the lock. Abruptly the door suddenly jerked open to reveal my father bearing an angry expression, his eyes glaring at the man still walking our way.

My dad turned his gaze to me as he nodded his head toward the opened door. I quickly looked back one more time before scurrying inside. My dad knew about the guy following me, but he always told me he would eventually stop. It’s been a week now and it’s only gotten worse.

Watching through my bedroom window I saw my dad approach the guy. I snuggled closer to my mom trying hard not to break down in fear. Why was this happening to me? Of all people why me. The guy hadn’t spoke a word to me, he just simply watched. It was unnerving to always feel his gaze on me whenever I stepped foot outside. Sometimes even when I passed a window I would feel as if I was being watched. My mom smiled her beautiful smile, stroking my hair as she pulled me in for an embrace while quietly whispering soothing words.

My mom turned her body to the side still hugging as she grabbed the phone. She quickly dialled 9-1-1, pleading with the operator to send by a police unit. I glanced back out the window to see my dad yelling at the guy, probably threatening him to leave me alone. Though by the guy’s nonchalant stance I could see that he wasn’t even fazed by my father yelling at him; instead he wore a smirk across his face, as if he were rather amused by the current situation. As though sensing my gaze, he turned his head to look up at me. He smiled, showing perfect white teeth blowing me a kiss before turning his gaze back to my dad and grabbing him by his shoulders, lowering his head toward the side of his neck. I screamed as the guy pulled back a few seconds later tossing my dads limp body to the floor. " Dad!" I screamed out, my mom’s hands dropping to her sides as her eyes widened in horror at her husbands stilled body lying on the cement.

I watched fearfully as the guy started walking toward the house swiftly climbing up the front steps. Quickly I started shaking my mom trying to get her to calm down as a steady flow of tears covered her cheeks and rolled down her neck onto her blue button up blouse. "Mom we have to get out of here. He’s coming inside the house!" I cried walking towards my window pulling it open. My mom slowly nodded her head as she wiped the tears away with her hands. Then without warning my bedroom door flung open smashing into the wall before crumpling to the ground as it fell right off the hinges. There he stood, in all his glory, grinning as he regarded me with his dark blue red rimmed eyes. I pressed myself against the wall right beside my opened window in fear. The guy didn‘t look that much older than me, with his dark midnight black hair gelled up in random spikes accentuating his unusual red rimmed midnight blue eyes. He was pretty tall probably more than 6 feet tall with an amazingly hard toned body showed off by his tight black shirt." Hello love, I've been waiting a very, very long time for you." he said with a smirk. I froze as I heard him speak. His voice was so smooth it almost sounded like a purr. Shaking my head I snapped out of my dazed thoughts as he took a step toward me. Bravely my mom suddenly appeared in front of me spreading her arms out at her sides as she kept me behind her. "Stay away from my daughter you psycho!" she hissed venomously. He merely laughed at my mothers words.

"Sorry dear, but no can do because she's mine now." he said looking over my moms shoulder into my face. 

Suddenly my mother threw herself onto the guy. "Jump Kate, JUMP!" my mom screamed as she tried to hold off the guy. I instantly obeyed climbing through the window onto the rooftop. I crouched down before  jumping down to the ground, rolling onto my side as my legs jolted from the hard impact. 

Suddenly a sickening thump filled the air before the dull wail of sirens filled the air as the police made their decent. I sprinted to the street just as the police car pulled up. Two officers jumped out one immediately sprinting to my dads stilled body lying on the road while the other spoke into his radio as he surveyed the scene.

As more sirens could be heard I glanced up to my open window to see the guy looking down at me with empty black eyes staring intently at me as he jumped down from the window landing gracefully on the balls of his feet like a cat. Never once breaking eye contact. Was that even humanly possible? His dark eyes sent shivers down my spine at the intensity of his stare. Three police officers started walking toward him with their guns drawn out, ready to fire. The man still stared at me as he spoke, " I'll be back for you Kate." he said before disappearing into thin air.

I blinked slightly dazed from the guy’s intense stare, it was like looking into a never ending pit of darkness. My heart was pounding in my chest as the adrenalin coursed through my veins replacing the fear. Slowly as the last few minutes replayed in my head I felt myself start to sway to the left. The last image lingering in my mind before I crumpled to the ground was of those notorious red rimmed midnight blue eyes.

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