Si Introvert at Extrovert

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Si Introvert at Extrovert (Epilogue)

Introvert – (n) a person who is more interested in his or her own thoughts, feelings etc. than in external objects or events

Extrovert – (n) a person more interested in the external world than his own thoughts and feelings

The Introvert

Michael Cody Montalbo also known as Mico, a musician, an athlete not your ordinary guy, a dream guy, and a certified SNOB.

With a vow and that is: Never ever involved with a woman and most especially never fall inlove.

The Extrovert


                Phoebe Athena Zy Howard, an independent dream girl, happy go-lucky, a girl with a golden voice and certified believer of the word true love.

                With a vow:

                To break Michael Cody Montalbo’s vow.


                Kaninong vow ang matutupad? Kaninong vow ang mas mananaig?

                The Extrovert’s vow or the Introvert’s vow?


Side story of MC... hope you enjoy it...

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