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Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit or any of the characters. Everything belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. However, I do own Jolene, Ashlynn and their story.

-Enjoy the cute ending, guys

Recap: I just grin stupidly at the rest of the Dwarves and a few of the Elves that had gathered around to hear of all our accomplishments.


Chapter 33


Jo and I are in Erebor. The two of us are just about to get married to Fili and Kili. Apparently their pretty fond of having double weddings. I don't mind since it is my cousin who's sharing my wedding. It took hours for some of the Dwarfish ladies and Jo to convince me that I need to wear a dress for my wedding. I still don't understand why I can't just wear leggings and a fancy tunic like I know Kili is wearing.

I'm actually wearing a royal purple gown with bell sleeves and a silver belt across my waist. I managed to convince the other maids that I don't need to wear a corset. I'm thin enough with out one. I know I've said this before but those things are death traps. My hair is braided in a half up, half down hairstyle.

On a lighter note, Jo is wearing a red gown with bell sleeves and a bronze belt across her waist. Jo didn't mind wearing a corset as long as it wasn't too tight on her. Jo's hair was just gorgeous. It was done up in a curly updo with flowers woven into it too.

I'm so nervous about the wedding. 'What if Kili's making a mistake with me? What if he leaves me for someone else. What if he doesn't really love me. What if...'

I know I'm worrying to much and that everything is going to be perfect. Nothing is going to go wrong. Ever since the battle of the five armies everything has been go just in the middle. I haven't had a nightmare about my past but I haven't been in any fights since. I guess everyone would view that as good but for me it's like an alcoholic not having alcohol. I'm bored and the Company is trying to keep me from fighting anyone before my wedding ceremony.

Currently, I'm just waiting in my bedroom which is right across the hall from Kili's. Jo is also with me but she's a lot more relaxed than me even though she still has wedding nerves too.

A Dwarfish maid pops in and says "It's time lasses. This way." She motions Jo and I to follow her to wherever the wedding ceremony is being held. Faint music echoing down the halls is getting louder with each step I take. Jo grabs my hand and I squeeze tightly. I'm nervous as hell.

Finally, we're lead to a pair of large wooden doors. The maid slips quietly through the doors and a different kind of music begins to play. The wooden doors are pulled open by guards and Jo and I step through the doors. The guards close the doors behind us. I look up and see Kili standing at the front of the room. He smiles at me lovingly and he wipes tears of his face.

Jo and I walk slowly down the aisle together with our arms linked. We split up when we get to the front where Fili and Kili are standing at. As I stare into Kili's eyes, I forget that I'm standing in front of tons of people. All I can think of is Kili.

I don't really pay attention to what Dwarf is doing the ceremony until he says the vows that require me to say 'I do'.

Kili takes my hands in his own and says "Everyday since you joined the Company, I knew I could never stay away from you. You were cold, deadly warrior with a terrible past. Now, I can only see you as a woman who fights for what she believes in and has a temper that rivals Smaug. You are beautiful even with all you scars. Nothing could keep us apart. Ash, I love you. You are my One."

Now it's my turn to say my vows. "I've noticed you ever since you set foot in Bilbo's hobbit hole. You changed my life the minute we met. I don't care if you don't have a beard like other Dwarves, you are perfect in my eyes. You've been nothing but loyal, kind and caring to  me. Kili, I will love you always and forever."

The head Dwarf says "You may now kiss your One."

Kili wraps a hand around my waist and kisses me hard as he twirls me around. He sets me down and finally breaks our kiss. We walk back down the aisle and down to the after party.

There's lots of loud music, laughter and talking. I get right into the mood. I start dancing and drinking. I even got into a drinking contest with one of Dain's right hand man...er Dwarf? Hours later, I'm more than a bit tipsy and a slow song starts playing. There's hardly anyone around now. Most have gone to bed or passed out from drinking too much.

I lean my head onto Kili's chest and Kili guides me to dance to the slow song. We share a long kiss and before I know it, Kili is dragging me down the halls of Erebor. He leads me into one of the rooms near my old bedroom. I slam the door closed and giggle at the echo it makes. We end up having a perfect night of passion that I couldn't imagine it being any more perfect than this.


It has been a few years after our wedding and the anniversary of the battle of the five armies. Kili and I had finally decided that we wanted kids. I have given birth to two beautiful children. The older one being a girl with Kili's looks and my personality. The younger boy, on the other hand has all my looks but Kili's personality. Both of my children became half Dwarf and half Spirit Binder. Jo's children also became half Spirit Binders and half Dwarf.

Jo and Fili had three children altogether. One boy and two girls. The girls were actually twins and they had their father's mischievous personality and their mother looks. The boy had all his father looks and his mothers personality. It was adorable really.

After all our children were born and were able to take care of themselves, Jo and I traveled all across Middle-earth. We became known all throughout Middle-earth so it was interesting to see who would challenge us. We eventually lived out our lives in Middle-earth. We never did find a way back. I didn't thought. I could still contact my mentors, Thomas and Logan. Jo could still visit her brother as well in her dreams. We Jo and I happily lived out our lives until the end of our days.


-AUTHOR'S NOTE--------

(Yes I know, I did get this from the book/movie)

Hi, guys. I finally finished. Yes I know the ending was kind of crappy but oh well.

I hope you all enjoyed my story. I love you all.

Bye, my little Hobbits.

~Cece 😊

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