New Abilities and Allegiances

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Hobbit or any of it's characters. Everything belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. However I do own Ashlynn, Jolene and their story. 

Chapter 23

Recap: They stare at us until someone finally breaks the silence.



The Dwarves watch silently as the two girls bow to each other and begin their fight. The shorter dark haired girl slowly pulls out her dual swords while the taller blonde girl swiftly draws her broadsword. The fight begins. Swords ring against swords. The speed and power of the blows could be heard all throughout Erebor. The battle looked more like a deadly dance than a dirty practice fight.

The Company could barely see the swords cut through the air. The speed of the blows were faster than their eyes. Only the sound of swords clashing against one another was heard. They occasionally saw the glint of the blades when one of the girls missed a blow or dodged out of the way. The Dwarves watch the epic battle unfold, no longer rooting for their favorite war-maiden to win. They look back and forth between the girls to see which one would be the first to draw blood.

The two girls slash, stab and dodge at each other. At the first look, it would appear that the girls are aiming to kill. At the second glance, they were perfectly matched for each other. The Dwarves are increasingly becoming more nervous about the fight. Finally the Dwarves couldn't stand it any longer. They couldn't risk one of the girls injuring the other.

"STOP!" one of the Dwarves calls out.

The girls just ignore the Dwarves and continue to fight. They lock their swords together between them, trying to push the other back. Faint light pulses between them as they glare at each other. Suddenly, the two girls are blown backwards onto the ground by an unknown force. The girls pause for a second before getting right up and lunging at each other. They spin around their swords clash together. Bright light pulses around the two girls. Their swords are poised perfectly for another attack.

"Stop it!" Balin yells, waving his arms at the two girls. "What are you doing?! Are you TRYING to kill each other?!"

The girls look over at the rest of the Company. The Dwarves are standing up with their hands resting on their weapons. They were nervous but ready to break up the fight if needed, even if it meant injuring one of their own to separate the girls. As the light fades away the Company gasps at the sight. The two girls are each wearing a fixed set of a custom made armor.

Ash's POV---------------

I look around at each of the Dwarves in turn. They're all staring at us. I look down at my stunning set of silver armor. It's so light and it fits me perfectly, down to the very last detail of myself. The armor itself has very detailed swirls and patterns all over it. Jo's armor is generally the same as mine but with slightly different swirls and patterns on it.

'Hun? I wonder if the Elves have armor like this. Well they're Elves, they probably do'

"Why are you all still staring?" I snap at the Dwarves. "It's not a big deal. This is just another one of our abilities from being a Spirit Binder. Get used to it."

I look over at my cousin who is staring down at herself in disbelief. The light around Jo is beginning to fade away completely. My 'aura' fades away too.

'What if the armor works the same way that we shift?'

"Hey, Jo?" I ask.

"Yeah?" Jo replies, breaking her gaze away from her armor and looking up at me.

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