The Great Escape

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Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit or any of it's characters. Everything belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

Chapter 17

Recap: The guards pull out their swords and are fully prepared to stop us from escaping.

'Shit we're sitting ducks' I think.


I grab onto the sides of my barrel as it bumps into other barrels with dwarves in them. I look around wildly, trying to figure out a plan. My barrel is halfway under the bridge leading out of the Elven Kingdom. My thoughts are interrupted when a guard promptly falls over with an arrow sticking out of his back. I realize that it's a black orc arrow. I look up to see a large group of orcs jumping over the wall. Just as an orc was about to slice a head off of a dwarf, the orc clutches an arrow sticking out of it's chest and falls into the water. My head snaps around to see Tauriel leap out of a tree and starts killing orcs with her knives. (I guess they could be called short swords, so I don't know what you want me to call them) Legolas darts out of a bush with his bow. He begins shooting orcs.

More Elves jump out of the trees and bushes with their weapons. They start to defending their Kingdom. While the Elven guards and orcs are distracted, Kili climbs out of his barrel and reaches the lever that controls the gate under the bridge. Kili ducks and narrowly avoids getting stabbed by an orc. I see another orc with a bow and arrow aiming for Kili. I don't have time to react as the orc shoots his arrow. The black arrow embeds itself in Kili's knee. He gasps in shock and pain.

"No" I whisper. I see the arrow sticking out of Kili's knee. "Kili" I scream as a arrow flies over my head. I scrunch farther down into my barrel to avoid getting shot. I desperately want to help Kili, but I know I would get killed if I tried, so I stay in my barrel. I could barely see Kili grab the handle of the lever as he falls to the ground.

I pull a knife out of my sleeve and throw it at the orc who's standing above my dwarf, ready to kill Kili.

'My Dwarf? Since when did I start calling Kili my Dwarf? Am in love him? Well we did kiss, but I don't know what we are'

My knife embeds itself in the orcs' heart. The orc falls to the ground clutching it's chest. Kili glances up at me in shock and something it couldn't identify. Fear? Admiration?

The gate under the bridge opens. Some of our barrels fall over the waterfall and downstream. I could barely see Kili try to stand up, but he falls to the ground in pain, clutching his already bloody leg. He just manages to drag himself to the edge of the bank. Kili jumps into an empty barrel. The shaft of arrow sticking out of Kili's leg, snaps in half and he hisses in pain.

Our barrels flow under the bridge and over a waterfall. We float farther downstream. Orcs are running along either side of the riverbanks chasing after us. Bilbo is holding onto a dwarfs barrel. Jo and I look at each other and nod. We stick our heads out of our barrels, hoping not get shot. My cousin and I grab onto each of Bilbo's arms and pull him into an empty barrel. Bilbo nods in thanks to us. We keep going over waterfall and pushed downstream with orcs still chasing us. They are yelling in Black Speech, probably getting orders to kill us.

Orcs on either side of the banks are shooting at us with their bows because they can't get close enough to kill us yet. Thorin slashes at an orc that jumps at him from the bank that's closer. The dead orc falls into the river. Another wave crashes over us and hold my breath as my barrel get pushed underwater. My barrel pops back above the surface. I spit out a mouthful of water as barely manage to dodge an arrow as it embeds itself on the rim of my barrel. An elite group of Elves are chasing down some of the orcs.

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