Unexpected Members

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Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit own The Hobbit or any of its characters. Everything belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. However I do own Ashlynn and her story.

The picture about is of what Ash is wearing. Sorry if you can't see her face it kind of got cut off


Just so you know, anything written 'like this' are thoughts. "This is obviously someone speaking". "This is someone singing, retelling a story or reading a book"


Warning:There is a lot of swearing from now on in the story so I apologize to anyone who doesn't like cussing.


I give credit to wolfandphoenix for making the cover to my story. I think it fits the story perfectly by the way.


                 Chapter 3

I wake up on the ground and groan in pain.

'Fuck. My head. If I'm dead why does it still hurt so much?'

Everything hurts just not as bad as it was before. My head hurts so much it feels like somebody hit me with a sledghammer. I open my eyes everything goes blurry for a second. I blink to get rid of the spots dancing in front of my eyes.

Then everything comes rushing back, the attack, the magic tree, the weird light, and especially the falling. I blink to get my eyes back into focus. I'm lying on my side on soft grass in the middle of a clearing in the forest. 

'Everything looks different'

I gaze around.


My heart races when I realize that this isn't the same woods I blacked out in. I sway as I stand up. I spot my cousin lying on the ground a few feet away from me. I limp over and see that she's still unconscious. I kneel down and shake her gentle. She doesn't wake up.

So I start slapping her face and yelling "Jolene, wake up. Get the Hell up. Damn it!"

Jolene bolts upright and looks around frantically.

"Hey, hey calm down. It's okay" I soothe.

"What the Hell just happened and where the are we?"she blurts out.

I look around again to figure out where we are and what we are wearing.

I was wearing black knee high lace up boots, a pair of black leggings, a dark blue long sleeved v-neck tunic and a black cloak with a hood. I also have a black scarf tied around the lower half of my face. It exposed only my eyes if I my hood was pulled up.

Jolene was wearing the same thing except her outfit was brown instead of black. Her long sleeved v-neck tunic was a dark red instead of blue.

"There's no trail. It's gone." I observe.

Jolene nods and asks "Where's your backpack? I know you had it with you when we were inside the tree. I dropped the other bags when I was running."

"I don't know"I mumble.

We both get up and start looking around for my backpack.

'There's a whole bottle of Scotch in there. I hope the bottle didn't break when we fell'

I look up at the sky annd notice that my backpack is hanging from one of the higher branches of a large oak tree.

I groan "I found it. All the way up there" I point to my pack in the tree above us.

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