New Powers. New Weapons

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Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit or any of it's characters. Everything belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. However I do own Ashlynn and her story.

The picture above is Ashlynn's spirit animal.

My book cover was made by Wolfandphoenix. I give credit to her.

I'm actually part Irish and sometimes I speak Gaelic at home so I will have Ashlynn and Jolene have secret conversations throughout the story okay?

Fendril helped me write the elvish translations for the swords and for the names of their spirit animals. So I give credit to her.


Chapter 6

Jo and I step inside Bilbo's house and are immediately greeted by the smell of cooking food. We wander side by side into the kitchen to see dwarves walking around with plates of food in their hands and Bomber at the stove cooking.

We say "Good morning" together to all the dwarves and sit down at the table. Bomber sets a plate of food in front of each of us which is filled with bacon, eggs and bread. We thank him and dig in and finish our food in about five minutes.

"Thank you, that was delicious Bomber" I complement Bomber on his cooking".

"Glad you liked it lasses" Bomber replies.

Jo and I go into the front hall and pack up all our stuff. Bilbo had given each us a bedroll and Jo a brown travel backpack since she didn't have one.

Balin comes over "Are you ready lasses? Thorin wants to leave as soon as possible."

I nod "Yes but we don't have have any horses" Jo says quickly.

"Then we'll arrange for someone to ride with. You'll be okay with sharing, won't you?"

"Yeah that's fine. Who will we be sharing with?" I reply.

"With whoever you choose" says Balin with a wink and walks away.

We finish packing our backpacks and leave Bilbo's hobbit hole. We see the rest of the of the Company already gathered outside next to a group of ponies.
I noticed that my senses are sharper and better than before. I decided that liked this change because it could be useful on this mission.

We walk over and start helping a few of the dwarves load up their bags on to the ponies. We finish just in time to see Thorin walking over to the rest of usand asks "Is everyone ready?"

While the rest of the dwarves are already on their ponies, and Gandalf on his horse.

Thorin sees us and asks "Do you girls not have ponies?"

"Well does it look like we have ponies?" Jo snaps at him.

Thorin sighs "Fili, Kili share with them".

"Yes Uncle" Fili replies obediently and rides over to Jo.

She climbs awkwardly onto the pony.

Kili rides over to me and holds out a hand. I accept it and gracfully swing myself up onto the pony. I'm sitting on front of Kili. He has his arms on either side of me, holding onto the reins while I'm holding onto the pony's mane to keep myself from sliding off.

I glance at Jo, who's doing the same thing. I call out to the dwarves who are placing bets on whether or no Bilbo will show up or not, "Hey I bet double that Bilbo will come and that he will show up in thirty seconds".

"I take that bet. And that the hobbit won't show up at all" replies Gloin.

Jo and I smirk at each other because we both know where this is going. We can hear Bilbo yelling after us with our enhanced hearing.

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