A Most Unusual Day

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Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit or any of its characters. Everything belongs to J.R.R Tolkien and Peter Jackson. However I do own Ashlynn and her story
                   Chapter 1

"Thank you" I replied to the store clark as he handed me my change.
It was a cold day as I quickly walked out of the mall into the parking lot. I jumped into my car and immediately clicked on the heater hoping my car would be warm soon. I put my bags of clothes down on the passenger seat beside me. My phone buzzed.
A-Ashlynn and J-Jolene
J: Hey Ash where do you want me to meet you?
A: Outside the tattoo parlor okay?
J: Yeah sure I'm at the pizza place across the street with my brother Patrick now
A: Kay see you in 10
J: Kay bye
I smiled and thought 'this is going to be a great day. First getting my tattoos then more training'
I turned my car on just as my phone rang to the song 'American beauty, american psycho' by Fall Out Boy!
A-Ashlynn and AS-Aunt Sandra
A: Yes Aunty?
AS: Ash I went grocery shopping today but I forgot to get your english muffins and a jar of blackberry jam for the morning. Would you mind if you picked them up on your way home?
A: No I don't mind. I'll pick them up on my way back from training alright?
AS: Yes thank you darling
I have been living with my Aunt ever since a famous drug lord in New York, hired a group of arsonists to burn down my house. Apparently my older brother's gang had gotten into trouble with the most powerful drug lord in New York. The arsonists had completely burned down my house and killed my parents and brothers.
I shook my head in attempt to forget those horrible memories and smiled. Today I was finally getting my long-derserved tattoos.
--------------Time Skip------------
"Jolene are you ready to get some tattoos"? I asked my cousin.

"Of course, do you know how long I've waited to get my tattoo" she replied
I grinned as I pushed the door open to the tattoo parlor. We walked up to the front desk
"Hi, we want to get some tattoos done" I said
"Are you busy because we want them done today" Jolene asked.

The guy at the desk didn't really have that many tattoos, just a few on his arm and one eyebrow piercing.
He looked at us and said "No we're not busy now. I'm Brian. Who wants to go first?"
I smiled sheepishly at him and said "Me"
"Okay just pick out a design and have a seat over here. I'll have Vince over there do your friends' tattoos okay?." He pointed to a chair next to the wall.
"Sure it's cool. I already know what I'm getting. I have pictures."
"Do you think you could do something like this?" I asked showing him the four pictures I had. One was a celtic eagle, one was four stars in a crescent moon shape, one was a quote in fancy writing and the last was japanese symbol for 'self' which kind of looked like a backwards five.

Brian smiled and said "Yeah these are pretty simple. I have all these designs perfected."
"Great!" I replied.
Brian came out of the back room with the tattooing stuff and set it down beside me.
"Hey you and your friend don't have a problem with needles, do you girls?"asked Brian.
"No we're good" I replied
"Okay. Which one do you want first and where?" Brian asked me.
"I want the celtic eagle on my lower back" handing the design to him as I lay down on my stomach and pulling up the back of my shirt.
"No problem" Brian said as he began to tattoo my back.
I winced a few times as he was doing my design. The whole time he was talking to me, probably hoping to distract me.
About thirty minutes later, Brian set the needle down and said "That's it, your done. Here's what it looks like" as he held up a mirror behind me. Showing me what my eagle tattoo looks like.
I nodded "Thank you so much, it looks amazing" I replied.
"Which ones do you want next. Just let me wrap up you back so it doesn't get infected and then I'll get started on your next two tattoos.
"Okay, I want the Celtic knot design on my left wrist, please."
Brian did my next tattoo in about fifteen minutes.
"There, that one's done. What's your last tattoo going to be?" Brian asked as he wrapped gauze around my left forearm.
I reached for the last design. "Here's the last one, I want it on my left foot." I said as I pulled off my left boot and sock.
This tattoo only took about ten minutes. I was finally done.

I smiled at Brian "How much for all four?" I asked.

Are you girls paying together or separate" he asked.

"Separate" I replied.

"$600" Brian said

I handed him the correct amount plus a tip and Brian gave me my change back.
I wandered over to Jolene to see what tattoos she got. Jolene had gotten an owl on her right shoulder and a butterfly between her shoulder blades. She had also gotten a rose with vines up her right leg and celtic triangle on her left wrist. She walked up to Brian and paid. As we left, we decided that she would pick me up from my house for movie night because I had training next after I had to pick up some things for my Aunt.

"I'll text you when I'm at my house" I told Jolene.

"Sure, you better fight hard on your next fight with Thomas and Logan. You know they will be pissed if you lose again" Jolene advised.

"I know, I know" I groaned "They're just so hard to beat" I said

"Well obviously, they're your teachers, it's supposed to be hard to win a fight with your them" Jolene giggled.

"No shit sherlock" I said sarcastically
Jolene rolled her eyes "what time do you want me to pick you up at?"she asked.

"Around 7:00 o'clock, that way you can come to the store with me and we can get more food for tonight" I replied

"Sounds like a plan" Jolene laughed

"Bye see you tonight" I said

"Yeah bye, have fun at training,"she called after me as I drove off.

I drove quickly to Thomas and Logan's house and let myself in.
I walked quietly down to the basement hoping to surprise one of them. Thomas appeared in the doorway. "You're late" he stated glaring slightly at me.

"Yes, I'm sorry it took forever at the tattoo parlor" I apologized.

Thomas always has this cold personality and right now it's like he thinks I'm guilty of something other than being late.

Logan came up behind Thomas while smoking a cigarette and said "Come on Tommy give the girl a break. She's been working at this all week nonstop and plus she just got some new tattoos she going to be sore for days"

He nodded "Well hurry up and get ready. We're working with daggers today"
I nodded back "Yes teacher" I replied.

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