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Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit or any of it's characters. Everything belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. However I do own Ashlynn and her story. The spiders ALWAYS creeps me out no matter how many times I watch this scene.

Recap: "Of course it will. She has a past like no other" says Gandalf.

"Go now. While you still have the light. Your hunters are not far behind" says Beorn


Chapter 14

We ride our ponies a few hours until we reach the edge of Mirkwood Forest. We stop and I climb off my pony.

'Ow, my ass hurts so much'

"The Elven Gate. Here lies our path thought Mirkwood" Gandalf says.

"No sign of the orcs. We have luck on our side" calls Dwalin.

"Set the ponies loose. Let them return to their master" Gandalf commands us.

I shiver "This forest creeps me out" I mutter to Jo.

She nods "Yeah, it's freaky. I don't want to go in"

"You know we have to" I reply.

"Yeah, but if I get eaten, my spirit will come back to haunt your ass. If I die and any freaky shit starts happening to you, that's me" Jo says.

We burst out laughing. "Sure you will" I gasp out between breaths.

I rewrap a bandage around my arm. I look over at Bilbo when he makes a comment about the forest.

"This forest feels...sick. As if a disease lies upon it. Is there no way around? " asks Bilbo.

"Not unless we go 200 miles north. Or twice that distance south" Gandalf tells Bilbo.

I see some of the dwarves unsaddling their ponies.

Gandalf as he's walks swiftly out of the forest and shouts at the dwarf who's about to set Gandalf's horse free. "Not my horse. I need it !"

I sigh, knowing that Galadriel had told him to go to the mountain tombs to see if the ring wraths had escaped yet.

Bilbo loudly calls out to Gandalf "You're not leaving us?"

"I would not do this unless I had to" Gandalf responds as he mounts his horse.

I turn away, not wanting to eavesdrop on Bilbo and Gandalf's conversation. I already knew that Gandalf was suspicious about the ring that Bilbo carries. Neither of them know it's Sauron's the One Ring yet. But I do. I just don't say anything because I know that I have to keep the plot the same or else everything will turn to Hell. In other words, if I say anything about the future, I'll fuck up the original story's plot line.

Gandalf has his horse walk over to us and says "Jo, Ash, you're going to need your courage, honor and loyalty. Keep a wise eye about, danger is everywhere in that forest".

"We'll do our best" Jo says solemnly.

"We'll even keep an eye on Bilbo too" I promise Gandalf.

He nods in response. Gandalf looks over at the Company and commands us "I'll be waiting for you at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor. Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me. This is not the Greenwood of old" says Gandalf.

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