my dads an assasin, gee, you picked a great job dad! 45

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I tell you digging a grave is nowhere as easy as it sounds. I was in agony the next day-hey, even my dad was a little stiff.

We moved after that. Some guy wanted to kill some dude in Vegas. Again with Vegas eh?

That night we took out the name's we'd been going by and threw them into the fire after dinner. I watched as the documents that made me an actual person were reduced to ashes. Another person destryoed, a new girl to take her place.

I named myself Anastacia then made my passport and ID stuff on the computer.

Dad had already made his. He was going under the name Robert.

We got into the car and drove away from the house and onto the freeway. Dad wanted to take what he was calling the 'senic route' to Vegas. I glared out the window the whole time. We passed a few farms but other than that it was just nature at its most boring.

I fingered my new cellphone. It was a slide. I had all the number I needed in there. Gentry's, Diego's, dad's, and a few others but you wouldn't beleive me if I told you who they were. At some point Diego started texting me.

i'm bored.

I snickered.


Mexico is boring.

Hey, don't knock on Mexican food.

The food is great but i'm dying of boredom right now. where r u?

Headed to Nevada


Same thing


Whatev. Whats up with u?

Idk if some chick likes me or not.

did you come here 4 advice?

wt if I say yes?

*sigh* boys

wt up with boys?



yeah, so? lk u haven't lied.

True. How do I kno she lks meh?

I wanted to punch the guy right now. Sadly I couldn't punch him. My life is so sad. I stared at the boring dead landscape that stretched out endlessly before us. Just black and white road, weird red rocks, endless sea of weird plants who's name i didn't care to know, and the occasional cactus.  I think I saw a vulture or two, but I couldn't be sure.

I gave Diego dating advice that i wouldn't have even given my little sister-if i'd had one-and then he texted back an hour later saying that she hated him. i resisted the urge o type LOL and instead just laughed out loud in real ife.

We texted for a little longer before we both got bored of it and he went to do something else. At some point Gentry called and asked where  I was going.


"Tragic woman. Trully Tragic. I'm in Salt Lake."

"That is so messed up." I agreed.

The scream of a man who wished for death peirced the air from Gentry's side of the line.

"MOM!" he hollored.

"Wrong room?" She yelled back.


I had to laugh at this. Not the first time it had happened

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