my dads an assasin, gee, you picked a great job dad! 43

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there will be some french and spanish, i'll put the translation next to it but just know beforehand that my french isn't the best in the world so if you speak french and see mistakes, opps. kill me, its a short chapter.

He went completly Zorro on me and we started trying to chop each others heads off. By the end of it we were both sword-less and a tangled mess on wriggling limbs on the floor because he had me in a headlock  and i had him in a footlock and we were both trying to free our captive limbs and it was just crazy.

The freaking President decided to show up in the room just then. What the? This was so not a position be-fitting an assassin.

It took us a little over three minutes to untangle ourselves. We were laughing the entire time so that just made it worse.

"Kidnap my head why don't you?" I demanded laughing.

Dad rolled his eyes and knocked me down with a round-house kick to the knees and then turned to the President.

"Yes?" I couldn't beleive that my dad had a straight face on while he said that after what the President had just seen. As an afterthought my dad reached into his right pocket and frowned a little then went for his other pocket. "Ah. My knife was in my left pocket. No wonder I couldn't find it. Wait, then where's my gun?"

I screamed with laughter and fell down on the floor. He was totally forgetting the President standing in the doorway.

"May I come in?"

"Yes of course." I could tell my dad was distracted because he was looking for his knife. "Donde el diablo esta?" Where the devil is it?

"Tu est tres stupide pere." (there's supposed o be an accent mark above 'e' but i can't do it on my keyboard) you are very stupid (its either father or dad. i get those two mixed up)

"Mira quien habla." Look who's talking.

"Muy chistoso. pappi. Muy chistoso." Very funny dad(or daddy in some cases) very funny

He laughed.

"Something funny?" Asked the president.

"Es nada." Its nothing.

"Dad, the President doesn't speak Spanish."


That made me laugh.

"Oye, pa, mira lo bueno que es mi engles!" hey, dad, look how good my english is! Then I said, "open the door, or I come in through the window!"

We sat down in the living room. I litterally threw myself on my couch. Yes, its mine. I jumped on it before anyone else did so its mine. And then the two adults sat down. The President took the sofa an my dad pulled up a chair.

"What a lovely house you have." The President said.

There was an awkward silence because neither my dad or I responded.

"Do what do I owe this visit?"

The President just sat there.


"I have no idea what i'm doing." The President said with what I think was supposed to be a laugh.

"Some people just think its some kind of little joke at first." Dad told him.

It was shocking how many Presidents didn't know about the Assassins until after they became President.

"Ah well, then the joke is on me then."

I had no idea what the President was doing.

This was the second awkward silence in less than five minutes.

"So, what exactly are your plans for your time as president?" Dad asked.

"Make some new allies with countries?" He suggested.

"Remind me again who was the country that wanted to bomb us?" Dad whispered softly.

I bit back a laugh.

"Are we talking trade or political allies?" I threw that in there before there was yet another bizzare silence.

"Both?" Suggested the President.

This was so bizzare. Usually they just showed up on our doorstep and handed my dad the list of people they needed him to kill said who was going to die quickly and who was gong to suffer and then left. This just didn't happen.

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